REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "Brothers of the Broken Horn"
You know, after what I said last week about juvenile humor in the show, you would expect me to hate this episode. I mean, it is basically...

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "Always Two There Are"
You know, I sometimes forget that this show is a kids show. There have been moments of this show that have stood out as being dark, such...

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "Relics of the Old Republic"
Now that's better. After last week's less than spectacular season premiere, this episode really brought the action and suspense....

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "The Lost Commanders"
You know, going into the sorta-of second season premiere of Rebels, I knew that this episode would be...ok. Nothing terrible, but nothing...

Star Wars Rebels Season 2 Comic-Con Trailer Review
Well, the hiatus is almost over. Thank you so very much. To bring in more excitement, a new trailer was released at New York Comic Con....

Top 5 Animated Star Wars Lightsaber Battles
When it comes to one thing about Star Wars that everybody loves, it's lightsaber battles. It's pure sword-fighting at its core, just you...

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "The Siege of Lothal"
Well, goodbye Lothal...for now. Yes, after this movie premiere, the crew of the Ghost was forced to go on the run and leave the planet...

5 Things We Want From Star Wars Rebels Season 2
Star Wars Rebels Season 2 is sort of going to premiere on June 20th. I say sort of because on June 20th, there will be a one-hour TV...