REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "Always Two There Are"

You know, I sometimes forget that this show is a kids show. There have been moments of this show that have stood out as being dark, such as when Tarkin ordered the two Imperial officers beheaded last season. However, this episode reminded me of two things. One, this season does have potential and two, that is a kids show. What do I mean by that? Well, let me explain.

The episode starts out pretty casually by having Rex and Zeb playing a game while Sabine and Chopper play a prank on Ezra with his Jedi training. Okay, seriously, did we really need that? I get it, its a kids show, but I thought we were done with the slapstick routines every episode. A few moments here and there is fine, but not constanely. Anyway, this leads to a bit of a fight/rivalry between Kanan and Rex on how Ezra should be taught. Rex believes that he should be taught like a soldier while Kanan believes he should be taught as a Jedi on his instincts.
Its an interesting topic for debate that will most likely be a theme this season, but sadly, it's mainly used for comedy bits that don't really work, at least for me.

Anyway, Hera sends Ezra, Chopper, Sabine and Zeb to an old abandoned Republic medical station to find supplies. I will say, the animation on the station looks really good. This show is definately getting better in that regard, and the sound effects are spot on as well. Anyway, Ezra and Zeb get into season 1 levels of interactions by teasing each other and Ezra saying he is better than Zeb, and then proceeds to run into a pole. UGH. They even walk past the medical supplies after Zeb says they will end up missing them. DOUBLE UGH.
The gang separates and Chopper is taken out by small probe droids that are pets of one of the new Inquisitors, the Seventh Sister.

Zeb gets stuck in a vent, which I actually found amusing, and Ezra and Sabine meet her. Let's talk about the Seventh Sister. I thinkI'm going to like her a lot as a villian this season. As mentioned previously, she is voiced by Sarah Michelle Gellar, with alterations done to her voice. She does a good job with the role as she seems tactical, playful, and intimidating all at the same time.
Ezra traps himself to make sure Sabine escapes. The Fifth Brother shows up and the Seventh Sister actually blocks his killing blow so they can get more information out of him. The Fifth Brother captures Sabine and decides to let the probe droids finish off Zeb. Um, why not do that yourself exactly?

The Seventh Sister tries to get information on where the other Rebels and Jedi, particuarly Ahsoka Tano, who they know about from Vader. She also toys with Ezra in various ways by saying he's just as pretty as Ahsoka is, I need you alive, just not in one piece, or even that she could teach him in ways of the force. There is going to be a lot of complexity with her, and I am looking forward to it. Every time she was on screen, I was invested.
We also learned more about the way Inquisitors are organized. The Inquisitor from last season was actually the Grand Inquisitor, the person who was in charge. We also learn that the names are given in a matter similar to how the Sith get their names. There is also a sense of competition and hiearchy within the group as the Fifth Brother tried to kill Ezra because the kill was his. I am really looking forward to learning more about the inner workings of the group, as well as the motivations behind each member.

Anyway, Zeb defeats the probes and rescues Chopper as he decided to rescue Ezra and Sabine. He pretends to be a Rebel commander and says that he will bring backup and to have a "chin up." He hides the Phantom on the ceiling. How was Ezra able to notice this but not the Inquisitors? Zeb attacks and the group is nearly pulled in by the two Inquisitors. However, Sabine fires a few shots and they get away with the medical supplies. It was a good idea to have Zeb be the one save the day, I just think the execution could have been better. They later tell Kanan about the attack and he appears to be afaid of what happens next, later being comforted by Hera.
Overall, this was not a bad episode, I just think it was riddled by kid-show tropes I thought we were past by now. However, the episode introduced the Inquisitors in a very unique way and paved the way for interesting stories and backstories in the future, so that is a plus.