Top 5 Animated Star Wars Lightsaber Battles

When it comes to one thing about Star Wars that everybody loves, it's lightsaber battles. It's pure sword-fighting at its core, just you know, it's a laser-sword. There have been dozens of lightsaber battles throughout the various media. Today, I'm going to list what are my choices for the top 5 best animated lightsaber battles. I was going to do an overall combined list with the live-action films but I decided to separate them into two categories. Also, this is my opinion, if you hated these duels or thought some were better, let me know in the comments. But, without further ado, onto the countdown.

5) Obi-Wan and Adi Gallia vs Darth Maul and Savage Opress (Star Wars the Clone Wars)
For many people, the highlight of the Phantom Menace was the lightsaber fight between Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Maul. Therefore, when Maul was brought back into the Clone Wars show, everyone wanted a rematch between the two. Well, they had two fights in the show and the second one here makes the list. It pits Obi-wan and Jedi Council member Adi Gallia against Maul and his brother Savage Opress.
Gallia dies fairly quickly so it ends up on a two-on-one duel this time around for Kenobi. Oh, how the tables have turned. Needless to say, Kenobi goes ham and ends up surviving the duel and even cuts off one of Opress's arms in the process.

4) General Grevious vs Jedi (Star Wars: Clone Wars)
Not too many people are familar with the 2003 micro series Star Wars: Clone Wars. It was directed by the same guy who brought us Samurai Jack and Dexter's Laboratory. However, the show does have a cult following due to its great animation and awesome fight scenes with one of them being one of the only times General Grievous has been badass. Even though this series is sadly non-canon, many people remember this as the badass introduction of Grievous in which he took on 7 Jedi (5 at once) and won. Hell, the only survivors were the ones who had plot armor, such as Ki-Adi Mundi.
This battle is awesome for its music, fighting, and spectacule. Plus, even though I still liked Grievous in the CGI show, he truly shines in this micro-series and I advise anyone who hasn't seen it yet do so.

3) Kanan and Ezra vs the Inquisitor (Star Wars Rebels)
Hey, would you look at that? This battle isn't even a year old yet and it already sticks out as one of my favorites. I love pretty much everything about this battle. I like the setting, music, fighting, and emotion that plays throughout the battle. I also love the subtle character development for Kanan througout this battle. Now, all we need this season is Ahsoka vs Vader to top this duel.

2) Darth Maul and Savage Opress vs Darth Sidious (Star Wars the Clone Wars)
This duel is on this list just for the setup and who is in it. I mean, its former master versus apprentice. The ultimate villian of the Star Wars galaxy versus one of the franchise's most popular villians. Heck, throw Clancy Brown in as Savage and you have an ultimate lightsaber duel.
The ultimate highlight of this duel is the one-on-one fight at the end with Maul and Sidious. Even though you already know going in who is going to win, it is still an awesome fight regardless. My only complaint, I wish the fight lasted a bit longer.

1) Anakin vs Ventress (Star Wars: Clone Wars)
Yep, the most famous battle of the show's history, even more than the Grievous fight, takes the top spot. Where do I begin with this fight. It is animated beautifully, the fighting is some of the best in all of Star Wars,the music is terrific, and there is hardly any dialouge spoken in this battle at all.
The duel is the perfect length, not too long but not short either. It also gives more insight into Anakin's character and anger and how he slipped dangerously close to the dark side in this fight. This battle is over ten years old, but to me, it still has yet to be topped.