REVIEW: Kyuranger 4
In this week’s episode, Raptor gets her moment in the spotlight and the gang visit a very special planet: Earth. While I greatly enjoyed...

REVIEW: Power Rangers Ninja Steel 5 "Drive to Survive"
This week in the Power Ranger world, love overcomes fear. No, really, that is the takeaway for this week. New toys, new focus, a new...

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "Through Imperial Eyes"
Well, right off the bat, let me just say that even though there wasn't any grand action scenes in the episode, Through Imperial Eyes has...

REVIEW: Kyuranger 3
The gang are on a mission to destroy a machine capable of destroying planets, which Lucky thinks will be no problem at all, until a new...

REVIEW: Power Rangers Ninja Steel 4 "Presto Change-O"
Well, this was fun! I think Power Rangers Ninja Steel is finding its legs now and understanding the sort of show it wants to be. I don’t...

REVIEW: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "Self-Control"
And right on cue, SHIELD knocks it out of the park with an exciting, thoughtful, and slightly infuriating mid-season finale right when I...

REVIEW: Kyuranger 2
Kyuranger keeps the momentum going in episode two, with the introduction of two new team members and the gradual conditioning of viewers...

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "Legacy of Mandalore"
Well, Rebels is back (after another extended hiatus) and is continuing the storyline that was not only started last episode, but also...

REVIEW: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "The Man Behind the Shield"
What a twist! And by that I mean, what was that twist? SHIELD has had a long history of twists even when it didn’t really need them, but...

REVIEW: Power Rangers Ninja Steel 3 "Live and Learn"
Well, that was certainly an episode. I suppose I have good news and bad news, the good news being that the episode was more engaging than...