REVIEW: Kyuranger 8
This was a Xiao episode masked as a Spada episode and I never thought I’d say this but THANK GOD. Spada is a mess and comes out at the...

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "Zero Hour"
With all the buildup to Thrawn's big attack on the Rebellion, which apparently became the Rebel Alliance after Mon Mothma's speech, was...

REVIEW: Kyuranger 7
The English subs have finally arrived and the latest episode of Kyuranger was definitely worth the wait. While it was mostly filler, it...

REVIEW: Iron Fist
We’ve finally reached the fourth Marvel-Netflix series leading up to The Defenders in Iron Fist. With three other series under its belt,...

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "Twin Suns"
Oh boy! An episode that has been years in the making. An episode with such speculation, such fan anticipation, and I can already tell...

REVIEW: Kyuranger 6
This week’s episode emphasized the powers of dance and positive thinking. We learned that Lucky’s power is basically like the book The...

REVIEW: Kyuranger 5
Every review I’ve made of this show so far has been positive – almost overwhelmingly so. But in every review, I’ve also expressed my...

REVIEW: Power Rangers Ninja Steel 6 "My Friend, Redbot"
The newest episode of Power Rangers Ninja Steel pays homage to the original MMPR, though I don’t believe it was intentional. This week we...

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "Double Agent Droid"
So, this is the second season in a row where Chopper and AP-5 get an episode two weeks before the season finale. Much like the last time...

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "Secret Cargo"
In many ways, this week's Rebels episode was very simple and straightforward. In other ways, this episode not only marked a huge turning...