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REVIEW: Power Rangers Ninja Steel 5 "Drive to Survive"

This week in the Power Ranger world, love overcomes fear. No, really, that is the takeaway for this week. New toys, new focus, a new zord, and a new development for the Ninja Nexus Prism round out the episode.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Thanks to our new partnership, our Power Rangers reviews now come to you in video format, courtesy of Coffee Breaks with JJ! Thanks, JJ!

This week’s episode is all about the newest Yellow Ranger, Calvin. We learn that Calvin is terrified of driving cars, motorcycles, bikes--you have to drive it = Calvin don't like it. But Calvin pushes his personal fears aside to save his friends from being eaten by this week's MoTW. Along with new tech (the Mega Morphcycle) and a new Zord (the Rumble Tusk Zord) the Rangers win. By the end of the episode Calvin overcomes his fear of driving and gets his license. During this feel-good moment, Mick, the latest tech support in the Ranger world, gives all five Rangers their own Mega Morphcycles.

Regarding the plot, this episode moved it forwards with the explanation of the Ninja Nexus Prism being a plot device. This episode establishes the concept regarding the powers of the Ninja Nexus Prism. The Ninja Nexus Prism is a dream maker for anyone it finds worthy of its power.

Overall this episode is a turning point in the way this season is going, for the better.

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