REVIEW: Kyuranger 12
This week's episode was just as action-packed as last week's, and does an even better job at balancing the now massive cast of heroes....

REVIEW: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "All The Madame's Men"
Very rarely has tension-filled episodes come through stories that don’t mean much. In a weird way, it’s the exact opposite of how the...

REVIEW: Kyuranger 11
This was a good episode for Lucky. Well, not for him, because his luck takes a turn for the worst, but his sudden turn of misfortune was...

REVIEW: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "No Regrets"
For the life of me, I cannot think of an episode 18 of the past four seasons that I’ve enjoyed. Nor can I think of one that hasn’t been...

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels Season 3
So, it's time. It's time to give my full review of Rebels' third season. In many ways, the third season was the show's best season with...

REVIEW: Kyuranger 10
It is official: the show currently has more Kyurangers than it has episodes, and apparently all you need to do to become a Kyuranger is...

REVIEW: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "Identity and Change"
This episode was very…uncomfortable, and I mean it in both good and bad ways. I would almost expect an episode that takes place in an...

REVIEW: Kyuranger 9
For a colorful and fun series, Kyuranger doesn’t mind getting dark and gritty. This week's episode was a bit jarring on first watch...

REVIEW: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "What If..."
Welcome back to the new world order AKA Simmons always gets the worst end of a season, doesn’t she? This literal “what-if” scenario has...

REVIEW: Power Rangers Ninja Steel 7 + 8
This week we got two new episodes of Power Rangers Ninja Steel, "Hack Attack" and "Gold Rush." The first episode, Hack Attack, is a...