REVIEW: Power Rangers Ninja Steel 6 "My Friend, Redbot"

The newest episode of Power Rangers Ninja Steel pays homage to the original MMPR, though I don’t believe it was intentional. This week we got a dual-focused episode on the newest White Ranger, Hayley, and the newest robot companion, Redbot. Redbot is shown throughout the episode to have very human-like personally traits, such as his kindness and his love of learning just to name a few. Hayley never really grows too much in this focus episode, unfortunately. Hayley unknowingly hurts Redbot's feels at the start of the episode but only when Brody points it out does Hayley try to make things right with Redbot.
We then get the Monster of the Week (MotW) vs. the rangers. Which this fight is very by-the-book. Rangers engage with the MotW, MotW gets the upper hand, but with the power of teamwork the Rangers win. Zords are called, Rangers are losing, the Rangers call in the backup Zord and win. I do have to like that fact that about half of the Zordless fight is original footage.
The “conflict” between Redbot and Hayley is also resolved both before the fight scene and after the dark scene with Madame Odius, which I’ll get back to later. Hayley apologizes to Redbot for not accepting his invitation to the dance and Hayley also tells Redbot that he is very human, because he cares about others. Redbot, who never explains why he left the base to begin with, just goes along with what Hayley tells him. The episode ends with a dance party with the Rangers, Redbot and Kody, Hayley’s super intelligent dog that was the shining star of the episode.
Now back to the dark scene with Madame Odius: in a secret room in Galvanax's ship we see the Gold Ranger, a human stowaway, trapped in a chain with what I assume to be a mind-control helmet powered by the Gold Ninja Star.
Overall the episode was very straightforward, you had a small conflict within the Rangers, you had the two in question fight the MotW, only to need the rest of the team to win and the conflict is resolved. The only thing that was not straightforward was the scene with Madame Odius and the newest Gold Ranger which was very dark for the Ranger World.