REVIEW: Marvel's Inhumans "Something Inhuman This Way Comes..."
When writing these particular reviews, I sometimes wonder if I ever get repetitive with my complaints. Then again, if the show has no...

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "Heroes of Mandalore"
Well, the final season of Rebels is underway. The first two episodes of the season were combined in the one-hour episode Heroes of...

REVIEW: Marvel's Inhumans "Make Way For...Medusa"
Episode four has just aired which means we’re officially half-way through this mess of a series. There’s no clear sign of where it will...

REVIEW: Marvel's Inhumans "Divide and Conquer"
Did anybody else forget that this thing went on for longer than two episodes? Because I sure did. Not that the premiere had any sense of...

REVIEW: Kyuranger 26
Betrayal! Emotions! Bad costume design! The latest episode of Kyuranger has it all. This episode begins the Evil Naga/Hebitsukai Metal...

REVIEW: The Defenders Season 1
We’ve finally come to the crux of it all, the endgame of the Marvel-Netflix universe, The Defenders. All four leads come together to take...

REVIEW: Kyuranger 25
This week’s episode takes full advantage of the 12-person team, with the Kyurangers finding themselves on a planet designed like a clock...

REVIEW: Kyuranger 24
Throughout the past two dozen episodes, Kyuranger has introduced characters that I either met with apathy or absolute hatred, only for...

REVIEW: Kyuranger 23
Allow me to open by saying that this episode was just as fun and interesting as the past several episodes before it. BUT it was also a...

REVIEW: Kyuranger 22
After another week-long hiatus, Kyuranger returned this weekend with the promise of revealing the “truth” behind Ohtori Tsurugi/Houou...