REVIEW: Power Rangers Ninja Steel 7 + 8
This week we got two new episodes of Power Rangers Ninja Steel, "Hack Attack" and "Gold Rush." The first episode, Hack Attack, is a...

REVIEW: Power Rangers Ninja Steel 6 "My Friend, Redbot"
The newest episode of Power Rangers Ninja Steel pays homage to the original MMPR, though I don’t believe it was intentional. This week we...

REVIEW: Power Rangers Ninja Steel 5 "Drive to Survive"
This week in the Power Ranger world, love overcomes fear. No, really, that is the takeaway for this week. New toys, new focus, a new...

REVIEW: Power Rangers Ninja Steel 4 "Presto Change-O"
Well, this was fun! I think Power Rangers Ninja Steel is finding its legs now and understanding the sort of show it wants to be. I don’t...

REVIEW: Power Rangers Ninja Steel 3 "Live and Learn"
Well, that was certainly an episode. I suppose I have good news and bad news, the good news being that the episode was more engaging than...

REVIEW: Power Rangers Ninja Steel 1 & 2
Well, the new season of Power Rangers has begun. Beyond my mild disappointment that the acronym is going to become confusing in the...

REVIEW: Dino Supercharge Special "Here Comes Heximas"
Well, it didn’t end with a bang like I had hoped, but for better or worse, this is the finale to Power Rangers Dino Supercharge. While...

REVIEW: Dino Supercharge 20 "End of Extinction"
All right, the moment we’ve been waiting for has come and gone. Power Rangers Dino Supercharge comes to an end with this episode. Would...

REVIEW: Dino Supercharge 19 "Edge of Extinction"
Even without special knowledge of what’s to come, it's pretty obvious from a title like this that the penultimate episode of Dino...

REVIEW: Dino Supercharge 18 "The Rangers Rock!"
Going into this episode I knew that a) Phillip would be returning, and b) it would feature Shelby covering her eyes and doing an awesome...