REVIEW: Dino Supercharge 17 "Worgworld"
I can honestly say I didn’t expect this episode. At all. I don’t know what I expected when I learned of the title, but this was probably...

REVIEW: Dino Supercharge 16 "Freaky Fightday"
Well, I suppose it was simply a matter of time. While this episode is by no means a complete failure, I have to give it the dubious...

REVIEW: Dino Supercharge 15 "Wings of Danger"
Dino Supercharge, and the series of Dino Charge as a whole, is nearing its end. While the second season has been tangibly less impressive...

REVIEW: Dino Supercharge Special "Trick or Trial"
We now return you to your regularly scheduled...clip show. Don’t expect a whole lot from this one, because Power Rangers clip shows are...

NYCC Power Rangers Trailer
Thanks to NYCC, we now have access to the first Power Rangers Movie trailer! If you're anything like me, you've been psyched since the...

REVIEW: Dino Supercharge 14 "The Silver Secret"
That was amazing! For the sake of the non-shippers in the audience, I decided not to go with my first idea for the opening paragraph,...

REVIEW: Dino Supercharge "Recipe for Disaster"
For last episode’s review, I predicted that this would be an enjoyable episode (though obviously with some caution). The title certainly...

REVIEW: Dino Supercharge 12 "Catching Some Rays"
While no one likes a gloater, I’m afraid I’m going to have to do some gloating myself, because this episode confirmed something for me to...

REVIEW: Dino Supercharge 11 "Love at First Fight"
The monsters in love storylines on Power Rangers are old classics. It seems like one of the wackier ideas for a story on Power Rangers:...

REVIEW: Dino Supercharge 10 "Gone Fishin'"
After last week’s episode, I was a bit worried about the future of the show. As you may remember, Power Rangers Dino Charge was quite a...