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REVIEW: Kyuranger 23

Allow me to open by saying that this episode was just as fun and interesting as the past several episodes before it. BUT it was also a hot mess full of contradictions and redundancies. This week brought the revelation that the Rebellion/Kyurangers know nothing about their enemy...and when they do learn something, they promptly forget it.

First off, are you telling me that Shou had no idea that the Vice Shoguns existed? How little does the Rebellion know about Jark Matter? I don’t understand how the organization could have existed prior to the Kyurangers awakening because they seem to have on idea what the hell is going on with their greatest enemy.

We are introduced to the first Vice Shogun, Tecchu, who Ohtori obviously recognizes and has fought in the past. However, when Ohtori mentions this, Tecchu has no idea what he’s talking about. I can see this being an important plot point later in the show, but the fact that it was totally ignored and received no reaction from Ohtori is unnerving.

Speaking of unnerving, apparently the entire crew is dealing with serious memory issues as they seemed shocked to hear, on multiple occasions, that Ohtori is immortal and that he defeated Don Armage. Thankfully, some of his confusing background was cleared up by the adorable Eris, but even that discourse raised questions about Ohtori’s immortality. The show (and Ohtori himself) alternates several times between “I’m immortal!” and “I gave up my immortality to kill Don Armage.” So…is he immortal or not? Maybe at this point, even Ohtori doesn’t know.

Beyond these inconsistencies and headaches, this episode was a solid Red vs. Red conflict. Ohtori/Houou Soldier thinks that the Kyurangers should serve as his human/android/alien shields, while Lucky thinks that Ohtori should shove his legend straight up his ass. The fights at the end show that Houou Soldier is fully capable of fighting as part of a team, and his sweet compliment to Spada at the end of the episode suggests that he may be warming up to them. Even still, I hope an upcoming episodes includes Lucky giving Ohtori a solid punch in the face.

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