REVIEW: Dino Supercharge "Recipe for Disaster"

For last episode’s review, I predicted that this would be an enjoyable episode (though obviously with some caution). The title certainly seemed like the sort of thing that would precede a game changer, or also could more straightforwardly describe a food-hijinks episode. I have to say that when I started watching the episode I don’t think I was expecting both at the same time. Did mixing the two make something delicious, or was it a recipe for disaster?

I’m glad they made the decision to have Keeper launch into the backstory of the Energems and the Dark Energem’s potential threat. A few episodes ago I was worried that with Tyler finding his father and the Rangers locating all the Energems the story would stagnate until the end. Making this special Energem the driving plot coupon of the rest of the story rejuvenates the “find the Energems” plot and adds stakes. I also think that Sentai 6 makes a great shout-out to our counterparts across the pond; my only issue is that the Energems should have been created there. On the other side of things, Wrench designs a monster Megazord for Heckyl, intended to outdo the Rangers based on their zords. It’s really interesting that this is kind of a misdirect; the Rangers have given their zord and weapon data to the Silver Ranger, and now Heckyl has something similar.

Early on, we get the food hijinks. This week’s civilian-plot is probably another attempt to showcase Kiwi culture in the form of the Pavlova cake Chase attempts to make for Ms. Allister, the local food critic. I honestly don’t remember this many random civilians being part of past Neo-Saban seasons, but I’m not complaining about her inclusion. Thus far, she’s the only one in Dino Supercharge other than maybe Rusty who doesn’t irritate me. I do really like the brilliant background acting of Camille Hyde; when Ms. Allister laments that her expensive purse is ruined and Koda tries to give her a glass-half-full interpretation of events, we can see Shelby slightly out of focus trying to get Koda to stop making it worse. Since this is a Chase episode, of course the Pavlova explodes, but in fairness this is and has always been Power Rangers.

I feel like I can take the opportunity to gloat again. I may have been slightly wrong regarding Singe working for the Silver Ranger, but only slightly. When Singe reappears on Earth, he is accompanied by his actual boss, Lord Arcanon, and a fellow lieutenant, a bird-creature named Doomwing. The thing is, the Silver Ranger has an incredibly distinctive voice, and as soon as Doomwing speaks here it is clear that this is he. So Singe isn’t working for the Silver Ranger; both he and the Silver Ranger work for Arcanon. Arcanon’s design is very regal, and it’s notable that he holds the box seen to contain the Dark Energem in the flashback. Also, we learn that Arcanon ordered the bounties that Sledge used to collect, making Heckyl bought and paid for by Arcanon. Not only is this kind of huge, but it also makes me think that Sledge will certainly be showing up sometime and soon. My only question is, how long has this guy been waiting for his bounties? Millions of years? This feels like a time-travel storyline, but unfortunately it’s lacking in actual time travel.

Heckyl reacts about how one would expect by making his monster Megazord grow, and Snide pilots it in an attempt to crush Arcanon. At this point, any attentive viewer knows that Arcanon is going to fight back using the zords. It’s still a nice payoff to the Rangers’ idiocy in handing over all that info on everything they have, allowing Doomwing to replicate the Dino Chargers and pilot the zord formations. It’s awesomely cool to see a bunch of villains in their respective Megazords duking it out in the city while the Rangers watch helplessly. It calls back to events like Rangers of Two Worlds or the Clash of the Megazords. There’s even a point where Riley tries and fails to use his Dino Charger to get them back. Unfortunately for Arcanon, the Fortress Megazord actually works as advertised, completely neutralizing the power of the stolen zords, and Snide sends him running. One thing I want to mention here is how deferential Singe is to Arcanon. He was bored and insubordinate in pretty much all of his earlier appearances, but we can tell he really respects his actual employer because his demeanor is completely different.

One thing I always love is when the Ranger plot and the civilian plot dovetail together nicely. We get that here when it’s revealed that Chase had dropped his Energem into the Pavlova mixture, which then was transferred into Ms. Allister’s purse when the cake exploded. Ms. Allister, for her part, is mercifully cooperative regarding letting Chase search her purse. I held my breath for the long drawn-out sequence of him attempting to sneak into her purse and being misinterpreted, or him using a fishing pole to get the Energem out, or something extra stupid along those lines. I’m glad to report that this doesn’t happen. Her advice to try something different if the same recipe keeps exploding is sound and simple, and very preferable to some of the other morals Neo-Saban has tried to slap on these episodes. Plus, it gives Chase the idea the Rangers need in order to defeat the Fortress, and Kendall backs it up with the newest formation: the Dino Charge Ultrazord.

I hate to be that guy, but this really could have been the Titano Supercharge Megazord or something. I know the combination involves what is pretty much the carrier zord, but it falls victim to “Megazord-wearing-slippers” syndrome. At the same time, there is no version of the basic Megazord that involves more than 3 zords, so by that token a Megazord, two auxiliary-ish zords and a carrier zord can be construed as an Ultrazord, especially since it’s referred to by this name in-show. My biggest complaint about this part is also kind of petty: somehow, the Rangers know that Snide is piloting the Fortress Megazord, and then also when he switches back to being Heckyl. They didn’t have to write them calling them out by name, but for some reason they did. Continuing on, I don’t think that anyone should be surprised by the outcome of this fight, but one nice touch is that Heckyl wears his goggles in the cockpit.

Bringing things to a close we get Pavlova goodness where Chase applies the advice he received earlier here too, but more important to me is the fallout with Heckyl and Arcanon. Now that Heckyl has been subdued, Arcanon orders him back into solitary confinement as he was at the end of last season. We don’t see the Dark Energem when Arcanon opens the box he’s been holding, but the glowing Marcellus Wallace light inside pretty much confirms he has it. Considering the villains have 2 Energems right now (Silver and Dark) and a whole mess of Dino Chargers, it looks kind of grim for the heroes. The villains seem like they’re more capable of using the power they have in new and inventive ways, and on top of that they also have whatever powers they have natively.

Recipe for Disaster was truly a disaster in the best sense. I love situations where the good guys are on the ropes and have to battle back. I’m really looking forward to coming weeks and the Rangers fighting back against Arcanon. I would love to see a battle between the Rangers and Doomwing/Silver; I feel like that’s almost certain. I also think that Heckyl and Sledge will both be making reappearances in this season. But I guess my most out-there prediction or desire would be that Heckyl somehow steals the Dark Energem and becomes a Ranger. Ever since he showed up with his evil-Doctor-meets-GoBuster!Enter shtick, I’ve thought he had a Ranger look to him. Heck, the Rangers themselves thought so when they almost handed him Purple. From a meta standpoint, he’s been in the opening credits this whole season, and he’s gotten significant camera moments holding Energems that feel like foreshadowing. I don’t think it’s all that likely though; I’m guessing that when Sledge returns he’ll probably use it like he used the Purple and Red Energems last year. Either way, I remain excited and hopeful for the future.