REVIEW: Daredevil Season 3
What a world we live in when less than 3 months after the improved Iron Fist we get an improved season of Daredevil. Considering all the...

Top 10 Worst MCU Costumes
There’s two things people look at superheroes for in movies. One is for the deep and moving connection we get to see in people who...

The Strange Future of Marvel Phase 3
Phase Three of the MCU has unofficially begun with the promise of Civil War making things bigger and bolder than ever. The end result of...

5 Predictions For Daredevil Season Three
Daredevil, everybody’s seen that show, right? It’s the Iron Man of Marvel’s Netflix shows and probably one of the best adapted...

Daredevil Season 2: Still Worth It (SPOILERS)
Season two has officially come to a close. Technically, they came to a close a week ago when the whole season aired, but now everyone...

Daredevil Season Two First Impressions
It’s Daredevil season two, and nobody’s more excited about it than pretty much everybody on the Internet. Half of the people are trending...

What to Expect in Daredevil Season 2
What could be better than Marvel’s Daredevil? A whole new season of a show we know we like! Now that we’ve seen and adored Daredevil...

A Look into Marvel's 2016
2016 is another big year for Marvel films both MCU and Fox with four new movies and a new Netflix series on the way. Coupled with the...

A Look Back at Marvel's 2015
2015 was a considerably big year when it came to Marvel stuff. Four different series, three different movies, and the one thing they all...

REVIEW: Daredevil Season 1
By now, everyone should have seen the supremely impressive hit Netflix/Marvel series Daredevil. If you haven't, you're probably just...