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5 Predictions For Daredevil Season Three

Daredevil, everybody’s seen that show, right? It’s the Iron Man of Marvel’s Netflix shows and probably one of the best adapted superheroes recently. And its recent season introduced both the Punisher and Elektra to the canon. In other words, do we really think we’ll never see another season? Sure, they may finally put some priority to The Defenders series now that they have an Iron Fist, but sooner rather than later, they will return to Hell’s Kitchen, and here are the things that might do when they get there.

Elektra will be Evil

Here me out because ending a season with Elektra being evil would be a horrible ending to any conflicted character, even one like Elektra. We last see her body being taken by remaining members of the Hand who were previously successful in bringing back a charred Nobu. Stabbing shouldn’t be too hard to overcome with that kind of magic. Anyway, the group manages to bring Elektra back to life and, par usual resurrection stories, she loses all sense of conscious and goes down the path of leading a band of murderous ninjas as their “Black Sky” to kill the people of New York (for some reason).

However, since her last act alive was actually selflessly protecting Matt from being killed, she still has a sense of goodness in her. From that, Matt could and would spend an entire season trying to appeal to the decency within in her, especially if she still has feelings for her. Since there could always be more than one Black Sky as seen by the kid in season one, the Hand wouldn’t necessarily suffer a loss, but their hatred of Daredevil would definitely grow. Plus, seeing how far and dark Elektra can go as a villain could be a good step to showing some sense of empathy for her character. Plenty of people don’t care for the grey character, but a lot more people love a redemption story.

The Return of Nelson & Murdock

The only reason they ever separate friends (barring series finales) is for them to end up back together again. Currently, Foggy, Matt, and Karen are on separate paths to find their own place in the city to ultimately help people, but since they are good guys and really love each other, they wouldn’t be apart for long. Foggy’s standing with more professional lawyers would definitely bring about a new status for their firm, not to mention the inevitable clash between his dedication to the people and his current firm’s more high-power levels. The point this season proved is that they are both fantastic lawyers, so keeping them apart would be the real crime (see what I did there?).

The only real obstacle would be Matt’s continuing exploits as Daredevil, something that Foggy disapproves of and constantly questions. However, now that Karen’s on the secret, someone who has been sympathetic to someone like the Punisher, perhaps these bridges can finally be crossed with Karen reuniting the two. Of course, it’s hard to say whether or not Karen would return to a legal assistant job after gaining a real reporter status, but Nelson & Murdock is far from over.

Punisher and the Kingpin

Considering their last scene together was beating the crap out of each other, no, I do not mean them working together. The two will undoubtedly appear as Frank Castle continues his take down of crime in Hell’s Kitchen to search for his family’s killer, and Fisk becomes more interested in the life of Matt Murdock. From this ending, it’s easy to see that Fisk will eventually discover Matt’s secret identity whether or not this will happen in The Defenders or season three. Hopefully, they’d wait until the next season to fully explore exactly what he would do with that information. Considering the Hand already had the dastardly plot of kidnapping a quarter of New York plus Karen, I’m kind of curious to see what they’d come up with for the Kingpin.

Meanwhile, the Punisher also opens up some options by finding a CD labelled Micro which likely refers to Punisher’s hacker/mechanic partner from the comics Microchip (who eagle-eyed viewers will note was also referenced in Agents of SHIELD as one of Skye’s hacker connections). The Punisher still has a lot of story left to offer which would become even more interesting should he ever find his family’s killer. Would he still continue his mission of purging the city of criminals, crossing with Daredevil in the process? I think they could end up being more of allies than enemies from these paths since they are ultimately opposed to criminals and (other) killers. It mostly depends on who the new antagonist will be.


Speaking of which, Bullseye, a notable assassin and enemy of both Daredevil and Elektra, will likely be the prime antagonist for season three. Yes, he was previously seen as the villain in the bland Daredevil movie, but the show has proven to revive both Daredevil and Elektra, so the timing is fine (or rather will be fine in about 2018). Elektra, the Hand, and Kingpin will obviously be a large portion of Matt’s life, but there still needs to be a villain in the limelight, someone who doesn’t raise too many eyebrows on magic in Hell’s Kitchen. Also, Bullseye’s love of killing with conventional weapons and obsession with finding his victims’ histories could place him as a fascinating enemy to both Daredevil and the Punisher who in their own ways try to defend innocent people. Remember that fight scene with Nobu? Try that scene with a crazy bad guy and probably paper clips.

The Defenders Fallout

Honestly, I would hope that any Daredevil anything could wait until they actually have the Defenders moving. How awful would that be if they got three seasons of Daredevil before we even met Iron Fist? Not to mention that Jessica Jones still needs a season two. Either way, Daredevil is the show that’s most connected with the people of the city. Not even the future heroes would have the same connection, so if there was a show to feature the fallout of a city with four superheroes it would be Daredevil. We’d see Matt at Nelson & Murdock dealing with the destruction of people’s lives and homes. We’d see Daredevil undeniably as a real hero of New York by the people, even though saving those people from murdering ninjas should be enough. The shows have struggled to give real connections in the universe, but this seems like the most obvious to even mention.

Wow, that's a lot of things to remember, but I have faith in Daredevil, and clearly Marvel does too. Why else would there have already been a second season? Since it'll probably be another two years before we see any developments on the show anyway, we could do far worse.

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