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What to Expect in Daredevil Season 2

What could be better than Marvel’s Daredevil? A whole new season of a show we know we like! Now that we’ve seen and adored Daredevil season one, the expectations are probably higher than ever. The only difference in this show is that they might actually make it, even with new characters, new plots, and the new level raised by Jessica Jones. Because if there’s one thing we have in coming it’s that we can’t wait to see the Daredevil of Hell’s Kitchen again.

From what we’ve seen, Matt Murdock continues his trade of being blind lawyer by day, Daredevil vigilante by night. While the public seems to have mostly accepted the Daredevil figure, that begins to change with the introduction of Frank Castle, a former military man who now sees it as a personal mission to take out the criminals of New York by killing them as the Punisher. Matt and his friends struggle with how to deal with a man who seems to taking the Daredevil mantle to the extreme in what looks like a necessity, but they have another bigger problem to contend with in the return of Matt’s questionable ex Elektra.

I think the funny thing about this season is any one of those plots would have been a decent season two and maybe a good season three. There’s a lot in the plot behind the Punisher becoming a figure in the Daredevil story who questions what is truly justice and challenging Matt’s desire to stay a good person and stop criminals. Add that with learning about Frank Castle’s origins, the supporting characters’ insight in the Daredevil conflict, and how they would end this story, they could have easily stretched it to thirteen episodes. I still assume we will be seeing a Frank Castle origin episode along with the man in some version of the Punisher costume as seen in a recent poster, but I know that’s not the only thing we’ll be seeing.

Elektra’s been a huge part of the Daredevil mythology, and this version seems to not only add a wrinkle to Matt’s conscience when being a vigilante but also open a new world for Iron Fist. Like the Punisher, I assume we’ll be receiving some backstory for Elektra, mostly due to the fact that she is probably the same “Greek chick” Foggy says he dated in college. Being the gray character she is, we probably won’t receive as much information, but she’ll definitely receive the action and attention much needed for her character. After all, she has a costume.

An interesting plot point season two looks to introduce is the secret organization The Hand. I know this universe is up to its ears in evil secret organizations (sometimes secret organizations inside secret organizations), but this one’s especially important for the Netflix world. The Hand is actually a secret organization of evil mystical ninjas, and once that’s introduced, there’s no going back. True, we’ve already received hints through questioning Stick’s real intentions, but considering Elektra namedrops the group in the trailer, it’s safe to say that this will be a large part of the season as well.

At the best, the Hand could provide the first steps to working through Iron Fist, a hero who already has more mystical elements that the other Defenders. Now that Iron Fist has been cast, we can be sure that his show will be a part of the Hell’s Kitchen story. That means the intro to magic just as Jessica Jones introduced superpowers. Whether or not Daredevil will go so far as to use magic is yet to be seen, but one thing for sure is that it’ll remain open, not mention maybe provide a suitable antagonist for four heroes to face.

In light of all of these new developments, we still have a cast of characters with their own problems, namely Foggy, Karen, and, most likely, Claire Temple. Foggy, of course, will have to be dealing with the fact that his best friend is Daredevil, going out every night and being beaten half to death as well as possibly being the precursor for Punishers. There’ll always be the question of if you don’t stop something are you responsible in Daredevil, but Foggy looks to be getting the bulk of that guilt in letting his friend continue to fight. There’s also Karen who still hasn’t told the others that she killed Wesley and, like Elektra, may be hiding her own darker backstory. Hopefully, she’ll at least learn Matt’s secret this season if their relationship looks to change. Granted, Matt has almost three love interests at this point, and I don’t know what’s going to happen to any of them. I would honestly support Karen more considering she has good interests at heart and doesn’t seem too fazed by vigilantes in New York.

Speaking of people who are, Claire Temple is bound to appear under her new role as the Nick Fury of Netflix. Whether her role will be the same length as season one is unsure, but her relationship with Matt is undeniable. Prior to moving onto Luke Cage, she needs some kind of moment with Matt as Hell’s Kitchen may once again fall apart. Perhaps she can give a hint to the fact that there may be some other superheroes in New York. After all, we’re already three-quarters of the way there.

There’s also the future of Daredevil to consider. After waiting for Iron Fist, anticipating The Defenders, and accepting a second season of Jessica Jones, there doesn’t seem to be a good opening for a possible third season. That’s not to say it won’t deserve one, but it would be nice to have the other shows grow a bit and have their own overblown season twos. That being said, Daredevil will return. And I look forward to it, just like everbody else.

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