What to Expect in Agent Carter Season 2

We now await the return of Agent Carter in all its semi-tolerable glory. Having Peggy Carter return guarantees some quality action in the show, but considering the show, I have a lot less trust in it than I should. Still, they seem to be having some kind of pickup with some new characters and a new location. Again, that means almost nothing really since the show hasn’t aired yet. Then again, the fact that I’m making an article recapping on what to expect from this new season shows that I’m at least going to watch it. It can’t be any worse than Fant4stic after all.

Agent Carter season two still focuses on Peggy Carter pre-founding of SHIELD if you can believe it at this point. I only mention that because that would beyond any doubt be an interesting story of her managing a major undercover secret organization bent on protecting the world. At this point, she remains an agent of the SSR albeit with some greater respect from the end of the season after saving New York and Howard Stark from the incredibly vague group Leviathan. Of course, that means this season she starts in Los Angeles with Edwin Jarvis, one welcoming return from the previous season.
Following Jarvis, we’ll also see the return of Jack Thompson and Daniel Sousa, both promoted to chiefs of the SSR for debatable reasons, along with Black Widow model Dottie Underwood for whatever reason. By comic-book law, anyone who’s not explicitly dead has a chance to return which explains the reported appearances of Howard Stark and Angie Martinelli in at least one episode. Fortunately, there are additional characters such as Jarvis’s previously unseen wife Ana, potential new love interest scientist Jason Wilkes, veteran Vernon Masters, senatorial candidate Calvin Chadwick, and his wife, the villain Whitney Frost also known as Madame Masque.

I suppose it should be a promising move to have a lot more new characters with only a handful of returning ones, but considering the main problem in season one was the distraction FROM Peggy Carter, this isn’t a good sign. Sure, one of them is a potential love interest, but that was never on the top of people’s must-see list, especially with this being a prequel. I am excited to see the face behind Jarvis’s wife, but they’ve actually earned that at this point. Peggy’s always earned it since the series started. These new characters have not.
I will celebrate them using a comic-book based, not to mention female, villain in Madame Masque. Mentioning how she’s a villain right off the bat helps too since we’re moving aware from the secrecy. Not to mention the reported use of the Dark Force as a connection to Doctor Strange and Agents of SHIELD. Maybe Agent Carter could start to embrace its comic origins by getting a little weird and daring to do things that actually matter in the canon. Having Peggy is great for anything, but a prequel has to add something to the universe.

That’s always been the hardest thing about Agent Carter. While Agents of SHIELD has its flaws, it’s always been willing to do different things like giving Skye superpowers or retconning Hydra’s history. Agent Carter’s world is a bit smaller since this a universe where Peggy Carter cannot truly be in danger because we know for a fact she makes it to The Winter Soldier. It could be fun to see her adventures as SHIELD agent and founder, maybe even her finding her future husband, but that’s a lot harder to pull off in a way that makes us care. Not to mention the fact that the show hasn’t gotten us to care about anything else at this point.
At this point, all I really want is for Peggy to be closer to the whole finding of SHIELD part of her life, becoming one of the single most important figures in the MCU. They could always surprise us, which is starting to become my go-to phrase when I want to find at least one thing to look forward to in something as disappointing as this. In the same year as Civil War, it needs something to stay relevant at this point.

Either way, we will sit through now ten episodes of Agent Carter, or up until March for the rest of Agents of SHIELD. It would really be a question as to whether it would get renewed after that or if Marvel would go with one of its thirty other possible projects. Even If it was renewed, we could probably start playing an odd version of Clue wondering what a season three would be. Peggy Carter in Paris, France with thirteen episodes.