Marvel Television: What Now?
To the surprise, shock, or perhaps relief of many people, ABC announced that Agent Carter won’t be renewed for a second season, and...

The Strange Future of Marvel Phase 3
Phase Three of the MCU has unofficially begun with the promise of Civil War making things bigger and bolder than ever. The end result of...

REVIEW: Agent Carter "Hollywood Ending"
Finally. I say that word a lot, but it’s serious here. That’s the only word I can use to describe my emotions regarding the show as a...

REVIEW: Agent Carter "The Edge of Mystery"/"A Little Song and Dance"
Finally, we’re down to the last two-parter. I won’t lie that there are still some interesting things to follow up on like Ana being shot,...

REVIEW: Agent Carter "Life of the Party"/"Monsters"
Another two-part episode this week which means another two-part review. I’m honestly wondering why they decide to do this in the first...

REVIEW: Agent Carter "The Atomic Job"
Welcome to the halfway mark for season two of Agent Carter. I realize that’s an odd thing to say after only five episodes, but this is...

REVIEW: Agent Carter "Smoke and Mirrors"
After the single weirdest episode of Agent Carter, we return this week to all of the things we’re set up for the other seven episodes....

REVIEW: Agent Carter "Better Angels"
You still here? Welcome back to the new season of Agent Carter, the show that has a few charms to it when it remembers Peggy Carter’s the...

REVIEW: Agent Carter "The Lady in the Lake"/"A View in the Dark"
And we’re back. Wish I could say that it was an exciting or even expected return, but I can’t honestly. I would watch Peggy Carter read...

What to Expect in Agent Carter Season 2
We now await the return of Agent Carter in all its semi-tolerable glory. Having Peggy Carter return guarantees some quality action in the...