REVIEW: Dino Charge 18 "Deep Down Under"
And now here’s the second (and presumably final) episode of the New Zealand saga. Since it’s not really a two-parter, I didn’t go into...

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "Blood Sisters"
Well, it's quite simple really. Last week we had a sort of Hera-centered episode, so naturally this week we had a sort-of Sabine-centered...

REVIEW: Ghost 06
This week’s Ghost was music to my ears with another fantastic character focused episode! Akari is the star or the plot, with Takeru...

REVIEW: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "Many Heads, One Tale"
I know we’re only on episode 8, but this season already has too many puns. Anyway, last week saw the temporary capture of Lash/Andrew...

REVIEW: Dino Charge 17 "World Famous (in New Zealand)"
The advent of the famed Purple Ranger is at hand! After all this time that we’ve been wondering, it has finally been revealed who the...

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "Wings of the Master"
Going into this episode, I thought this would be a Hera-centric episode. It was, kinda, but not as much as I would have liked. That's not...

REVIEW: Ghost 05
And so Ghost returns this week after a week off and what a return it is! With the proper debut of Spectre and all the implications and...

REVIEW: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "Chaos Theory"
Last week’s 50th episode was a so-so run with a noticeable twist as seen by this cover photo. In this new new SHIELD, we have to see the...

REVIEW: Dino Charge 16 "No Matter How You Slice It"
So...no offense to Riley or his fans, but I’ve noticed a pattern with relation to this guy. For whatever reason, it feels as if the...

REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "Brothers of the Broken Horn"
You know, after what I said last week about juvenile humor in the show, you would expect me to hate this episode. I mean, it is basically...