REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "Blood Sisters"
Well, it's quite simple really. Last week we had a sort of Hera-centered episode, so naturally this week we had a sort-of Sabine-centered episode. However, this one was more focused in its approach than last week's as we actually not only know more about Sabine's past but also meet someone from past as well.
The episode starts out with Hera giving a mission to Sabine, Chopper, and Ezra to give a courier of information to Senator Organa. They find out that the information is in a Gonk Droid. That is awesome. Anyway, it turns out they weren't the only ones looking for the info as a bounty hunter for the Black Sun named Ketsu Onyo. Yes, I was dead off with my prediction with her from the trailer. She and Sabine were once a part of the Imperial Academy who broke out and became almost like "sisters" working together until Ketsu once left her for dead.
So, naturally, it's not a heart-warming reunion and it only makes matters more complicated when they have to work together to escape an Imperial patrol. Sabine and Chopper take the droid on a passenger ship and Ezra falls out of the ship (like a dumbass). Ketsu, after single handingly defeating the troopers, gives pursuit in her ship.
The plot is nothing really new, so let's talk about what I think of Ketsu. Eh. She has room to grow. I mean, she is one of those characters we've seen a bunch of times before who only cares about wealth but then when the situation goes haywire she grows a heart and saves the day. Plus, while again, the backstory is very intriguing, it doesn't help that most of it is really just said, not shown. I know what you are thinking, well, how are they going to show unless they do backstories? Again, it's not bad exposition, but I felt like it didn't make make much sense in the timing of the episode. Like, if your lives are in danger or if you are trying to make a trade, I don't think usually you will go over your life's history.
Anyway, Ketsu damages the hyperdrive and blasts a hole through the ship which causes Chopper to fall out. He does however disable the weapons on Ketsu's ship. They then decide to go for a trade but Sabine later on says that she will have to take the Gonk Droid with her by force. They then look back on their history together. Sabine somehow is able to forgive her for leaving her for dead, I know I wouldn't be able to. They then decide to work together and forgive each other pretty quickly when they are about to be attacked by Imperials.
In fairness, these aren't necessarily bad motivations or explanations. I guess the biggest thing I have against this episode is that it feels a little bit rushed to me. It's not outright terrible; it is still in the end a good episode and I encourage any possibility of backstory and development, but I don't want it all in quick successions or rushed, if that makes any sense. It's like when your parents say to savour your meal instead of engulfing it because you won't get so full easily and enjoy it more.
Anyway, the four of them--yes, the Gonk Droid helps--trick the Imperials into thinking their is a reactor leak (nice callback if you get the reference). However, they actually plan on blowing up the passenger ship and escape on Ketsu's ship. The plan ends of working of course and they are able to escape and give the Gonk Droid to Senator Organa's messenger, who is a very special droid. Try and guess who it is.
Ketsu drops the two of them off back on the base again and although Ketsu says she is not ready to fight the Empire, she will conisder it. The episode ends with Sabine telling Erza that she will see her again and that she is glad about it. Again, I probably wouldn't be that inviting.
Again, this episode isn't bad. It is not Fight Flight levels of low. I like how there is backstory and some growth, I just thought there were elements that felt rushed or cliched. I hope that this Ketsu character shows up again one day to expand on her relationship with Sabine and her past as a bounty hunter.