REVIEW: Zyuohger 18
This week’s episode solidifies my theory about Zyuohger: the show is at its best whenever the Zyuohgers are losing. I’m not totally sure...

REVIEW: Amazons 10
So after last week’s more philosophical and conceptual episode that focused on the morality behind the various characters hunting down...

REVIEW: Ghost 34
So after last week’s emotional and wonderful rollercoaster, we are definitely back to having the usual wacky adventures of the week with...

REVIEW: Sailor Moon Crystal 36
This week’s episode is full of developments, if you count a bunch of monologues as development. It is also full of bad decisions: some...

REVIEW: Amazons 09
Heya! So for those who are curious as to why there wasn’t a review for episode 8, it was because I was busy doing my end of year project...

Review: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Film)
Well, it's time. I've referenced and even reviewed some aspects of the Clone Wars too many times. Now, it's time to finally review the...

REVIEW: Zyuohger 17
This week's episode combines equal parts of a Sela-focused story, a typical Monster of the Week plot, and the grand debut of Zyuoh...

REVIEW: Zyuohger 16
I am a simple girl, and I don’t ask for much from my Super Sentai. All I need is a little character and overarching plot development...

REVIEW: Ghost 33
Heya! Just wanna say sorry for not getting a review out for last week’s (episode 32) Ghost! I was busy doing my second year dissertation...

REVIEW: Sailor Moon Crystal 35
Rational thinking and real-world logic aren’t a requirement in the Sailor Moon universe, and the opening scene of this episode was a fine...