Review: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Film)

Well, it's time. I've referenced and even reviewed some aspects of the Clone Wars too many times. Now, it's time to finally review the show. I'm going to review the show that went from the majority of Star Wars fans hating on it to the majority of fans upset that it was cancelled and want it back. However, we will do this right. This will be a three-part review. Part one will be on the movie that pretty much served as the pilot. The second part will be a general overview of what the show did well and wrong. The third part will be brief reviews on all six seasons. So, let's get started.

Now, this film. I remember when I was a young teenager and I first saw the trailer for the movie and show and I was excited as hell to see it. However, nowadays, this film is seen as terrible and childlike. Even many fans of the show hate the movie. Much like the prequels, I can't deny that there are faults and that I can't understand why the film is hated. I mean, like I said earlier, it pretty much served a two-hour pilot that somehow made it to theaters. If this was a made-for-TV movie, I don't think that the response would have been less-severe.
However, one thing that almost everyone can agree on is the animation. The animation is...lackluster. It's kind of in between extremes because it's nowhere near as bad as shitty direct-to-video movies but nowhere near as good as Disney, Pixar, and Dreamworks movies. The music, however, is really good. Kevin Kiner scored the film, as well as the TV show as well as Rebels. The voice cast is also good as well. So, technically, the film is a mixed bag, however, the animation for the show gets better at least during the show's lifespan.

Now, let's talk about the characters. The film stars Anakin, Obi-Wan, and, at the time, series newcomer Ahsoka Tano. I won't say much about Obi-Wan and Anakin here because I want to save it for the show review but for now I will say that the voices they got for the characters and their personalities are spot on. Plus, I'm just leave this here to keep you shocked...the versions of Obi-Wan and Anakin from the movie/show are my favorite versions of them, period. The villains of the movie are Count Dooku and his apprentice Assajj Ventress. Both of them get better as villains during the show's lifespan, but here, they're ok. However, remember when I said that the voice
acting was good, well, Dooku's isn't, which is a shame because they actually got Sir Christopher Lee to come back and voice him for the film.
Finally, we have the character that went from the most-hated to a fan-favorite, Ahsoka. Yes, there was a time when Ahsoka was just as hated as Jar Jar. Was I among the haters, no. Was it for her voice, no, I don't think so. I think the problem was her personality. She was fiery-tempered, sometimes didn't listen, and was rash. Remind you of anyone? Yes, people thought she was just like Anakin from the prequels. I think though that she was more likeable though and here's the thing. She was a young teenager at the beginning, 14. People just expected all Jedi to be emotional-less drones. However, even in the beginning, I think she did have a nice heart, cared about others, and wanted to only prove herself to her master. Finally, Captain Rex, another fan-favorite is introduced. He is a good character in the film.

Now, how is the action and effects. I think they are well-done. There is a bunch of big set-piece battles in the film and the music and effects compliment them really well. The two lightsaber duels in the film, while not the best in the series history, are still good. You have Obi-Wan vs Ventress and Anakin vs Dooku. The Obi-Wan fight is good because it is mixed with him showcasing his trade-mark banter with Ventress the entire time. The Anakin fight is decent, though future Anakin vs Dooku fights, yes, there are more, are better.

Well, the most important question, how is the story? Um, it's decent, though you can tell it's on the weaker end of what the show writers are capable of. The first half hour of the film is kind of not needed because while it does set up the main story and introduce Ahsoka, it just mainly showcase a battle that has no connection to the rest of the film. The main plot is that Jabba the Hutt's son is kidnapped and that both sides, the Republic and the Confederacy want to rescue his son so that they can sign a treaty to use his hyperspace lances. I know what you are thinking, yes, Jabba the Hut had sex. Also, this sounds a lot like the Phantom Menace with its politics. Thankfully, the film doesn't focus on the politics as much as it does for the action and the characters. Which, again, in my opinion, is not that bad. Yes, as a fan of the show, I can admit that the later story arcs are a lot better and complex. However, like I said, the story isn't bad, though it is very predictable.
One thing I will say though is that I give Rebels a lot of shit at times for its childlike humor, but damn, this movie and the early seasons of the show are filled with kid humor, and boy, if you don't like that, than, you might have a problem.

So, overall, the movie might not be great, but I still don't think it's that bad. The characters, even Ahoska, I like, the action and music are great, and story, while not exceptional, is still entertaining enough. However, I can understand if the wooden animation and child-like approach can turn people off as well.