REVIEW: Drive 46
As we draw closer and closer to the finale of Drive, the feeling is starting to settle in that Drive wanted to do a lot, had a lot of...

REVIEW: Drive 45
So…uhm…wow. This week was a real gut-puncher. As we were finally getting the teamwork and cohesion between our riders, that happens and...

REVIEW: Drive 44
This is it folks, we are swerving into the final stretch of Kamen Rider Drive! That doesn’t mean Drive still doesn’t have problems with...

REVIEW: Drive 43
Remember last week when I said Drive was a pretty forward thinking and progressive show which was treating its female characters better...

REVIEW: Drive 42
So I want to start this week’s review with a warning of sorts: I’m gonna delve into a somewhat feminist reading of this week’s Drive,...

REVIEW: Drive 41
Y’know I think I’ve finally figured out what disappoints me so much about the recent arc-starting episodes that I keep going on about....

Why Toys Are Ruining Kamen Rider
It's a well-known fact that Kamen Rider is a children's TV show and it is made solely to sell toys. Even though that is the main purpose,...

REVIEW: Drive 40
So you know how I said last week that it was a pretty good episode for one that opens an arc? You also know that I find episodes that...

REVIEW: Drive 39
Y’know, for an arc-starting episode, this week’s Drive isn’t half bad. It’s quite likely that due to not having such an overcomplicated...

REVIEW: Drive 38
So I know I sound like a broken record, but week after week Drive proves to me that the first halves of their two episode arcs are always...