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REVIEW: Drive 42

So I want to start this week’s review with a warning of sorts: I’m gonna delve into a somewhat feminist reading of this week’s Drive, because it does do some interesting things in that vein of thinking. So if you want a review lacking those things, I’d suggest skipping this one. No judgement man, I can understand wanting to keep social issues out of what you like. Also I want to add that this is my own personal opinion and that if you do disagree, hey I’m cool for a civil conversation, but I really don’t want to be attacked. So let’s delve into episode 42 of Kamen Rider Drive.

As per the usual way of things, this week’s episode picks right up from where we last were in episode 41: Shinnosuke confronting Medic over the mystery of Hatori Misuzu. Rather than mulling the topic over, Medic delves straight into her backstory and we learn that she used to feel a ‘purer’ form of her emotion, which she gained from Misuzu, but that over time she was corrupted by the emotions of all the other Roiimude she had healed. Now I really like this as not only does it immediately set up a redemption arc for her, but it also makes her less one dimensional as she is not just a stereotypical ‘demoness’ archetype. But on the other hand, I do agree that it’s a bit dodgy that for Medic to be ‘good’ she needs to be docile and quiet; however it is sorta rectified later on, but I’ll address that when I get to it.

However these revelations are brought to a swift end when Banno and Brain arrive to attack the two riders and Medic. We get a reasonable action scene from this, but as this is a very plot heavy episode not much goes into it. We do get to see more of Banno’s powers however and it’s revealed that he can steal any of the other Riders’ tools, even Type Trideron, which could become a problem later on. But he leaves before Chase and Shinnosuke are completely destroyed. What’s interesting is that Medic leaves with him, despite despising him, as he promises to return her to her base emotion without all of the corruption.

After recovering from his defeat, Shinnosuke continues his investigation into Hattori Misuzu and with Kyu-chan’s help, learns that in fact the man claiming to be her lover is using her to extort money and in fact was the culprit behind her near death that Medic saved her from, thus leading to his arrest. It’s a genuinely great twist, is quite original and is rather mature and realistic motivation for a minor antagonist for Kamen Rider; plus it’s very well tied into an emerging theme regarding Medic (which I will get to later) and is simple enough that it doesn’t get in the way of and integrates well into the main overarching plot.

While all this is happening Brain breaks down, in an interesting and welcome turn in his character, and apologises to Heart for aiding Banno in getting hold of Medic. I like this because for a majority of the show he has been wholly one dimensionally evil and pathetic, but now that there is some genuine danger in his life and he’s been knocked down a few pegs, he’s becoming a more noble and likeable character. This just fits so greatly into the arc of the Roiimudes redeeming themselves and not being just one dimensional villains. They are definitely becoming my favourite Kamen Rider antagonists.

However Medic had already undergone Banno’s operation and had her ‘corruption’ removed by him, thus enabling her to return to her base emotion. With this, she finds the SCU and Misuzu and attacks them so as she can continue her path to her Ultimate Evolution, yet despite fighting for Heart, she still does not evolve. Suddenly, Misuzu’s dog appears up and breaks her out of her coma and it turns out that the overwhelming and unwavering love that Medic copied comes from both Misuzu and her dog. Finally realising the root of her emotion, Medic achieves her ultimate evolution; however it does not end well as to no one’s surprise, Banno had programmed her to become subservient to her as soon as she reached her ultimate evolution when he removed all the corruption from her.

Which brings us to something I realised about Medic, Misuzu and their respective stories: they are in perfect parallel to each other with both of their personal struggles involving them being used by men ,while in vulnerable states, to further the men’s selfish wants. This is I have to say a pretty progressive thing for Toei to do as you can easily read this as having a feminist slant as the men using the women are both villanized. This parallel is even more interesting as from a purely plot perspective, as Misuzu was able to overcome her struggle, Medic may also overcome her brainwashing which is something I definitely look forward to.

Using his power over Medic, Banno orders her to attack the riders which Heart blocks as this is not the way he wants to defeat the riders, thus furthering his noble characterisation. And so the Roiimudes leave and we learn that Brain has gone into hiding so as to prevent Banno from being able to reach the promised number which, as mentioned earlier, shows him to be more than just a moustache twirling villain, but also that he can feel more than one emotion thus maybe hinting that Roiimudes are evolving past what anyone thinks they are capable of. But we end on a lighter ntoe, leading into next week’s episode, with Chase learning what love is and confessing to Kiriko.

So yeah that was a really great episode! The plot was good, they ‘mystery’ was well integrated, it hit some great themes that are new and progressive to Kamen Rider and we got some fantastic developments to some already great characters. Drive is for sure developing into one of the greatest Heisei riders yet!

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