REVIEW: Star Wars Resistance "The Voxx Vortex 5000"
I'm starting to see a pattern with this show. With the first season of Resistance, the first couple episodes focused on its main plot and characters, even if some of the time it was with mixed results. Then, for the first half of season one, the episodes could be seen as mostly inconsequential or filler, before finishing strong in its back half. Watching this episode of season two, "The Voxx Vortex 5000," made me realize that history is repeating itself. The first few episodes of season two focused on its main plot and characters, while episodes, like this one, are filler or inconsequential.
Essentially, in order to get more credits for the Colossus, Hype goes to his former employer, Vranki the Hutt, in order to race at his mobile casino. However, in a plot you've seen a bunch before, Vranki cheats at every possible turn, forcing the Aces to work their way out of this situation, in order to come out on top and not be trapped as workers on his casino.
For positives, I'll say this, I wasn't bored. In fact, surprisingly, I was pretty entertained by the episode, and I thought, once again, the flying sequences in the episode were beautifully animated. That being said, this is the final season of the show. Do we really need an episode like this taking up an episode. There are so many other story elements are characters that could be fleshed out more, rather than likely save that for the back half of the season. Instead of having 7-9 impactful episodes to end the show, why not spend the money and resources to have, oh, I don't know, 19 impactful episodes? (that's how many episodes are in this season)
Granted, as far as filler goes, I wasn't rolling my eyes are wishing the episode would just end like in past filler episodes, but it almost feels more wasted since the show is nearly halfway through its final season.
I want this show to be good. It has the potential to be really good. Hell, the final stretch of episodes from the end of season one made me think this show would really take off. Alas, its episodes like these that pulls me back down to reality with this show, at least for the time being. I'm still going to watch it to the end, and I am interested to see how it ends and how it connects to the wider saga, but episodes like these make me wonder why episodes like these are considered a good idea for a final season in general.