DISCUSSION: Star Wars Resistance Season Two trailer
Well, that was...surprising. This week, we got the trailer for the second season of Star Wars Resistance, which will take place during the events of The Last Jedi, and lead up to the events of The Rise of Skywalker. That all sounds good, however, it was also revealed that the second season of Resistance will be it's last, which will make it the shortest modern Star Wars show.
Personally, I don't know how to feel about it. I'll admit, early on in the first season, I thought the show was rough in spots, or at the very least, I knew that it's main target audience was for kids. However, I personally thought the final stretch of episodes were pretty good, and I hoped that it would carry over to future seasons.
Now, people on both sides have two theories on why the show is ending. There are people that think the showrunners simply wanted to tell their story in two seasons, and act as a bridge for the sequel trilogy films. There are others that think the show was outright cancelled, (even if it wasn't mentioned) due to the negative fan response. Personally, I think it's both. I think the story they wanted to tell will end with the second season, but any future plans to go beyond what they wanted to tell was halted due to poor feedback. Still, for the final season, there are a lot of elements in the trailer that I'm looking forward to.
A big theme throughout the season will not only deal with the Colossus trying to avoid the First Order and find a new home, but deal with the eventual shortages of food and supplies, as well as dealing with people that are frustrated with the given situation. The people didn't ask to leave and be a part of the war, so there's a lot of potential for good drama in that regard.
However, I'm not looking forward to having to deal with Kragan and the pirate crew, minus Synara, as they have no business being on the ship, since they were the ones that kept attacking it. If I were Kaz, Yeager, and Captain Doza, I would just dump them in the air lock and blast them to space personally.
The people of the Colossus will not only have to deal with the First Order, but bounty hunters who are on their trail as well. One of these bounty hunters is named Sidon Ithano, also known as the "Crimson Corsair." He was a background character in The Force Awakens, who in the trailer has a mini-army of super battle droids. Why would he have those? Well, read the short-story "The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of County Dooku," and you'll see why I'm excited for him to show up. It's not necessarily for the character itself, but who could be a part of his crew, which I don't want to spoil yet.
We see a mystery man warn Kaz to run away from the First Order, so I wonder if this man is Kaz's father, who he thought perished at the end of season one. Perhaps he wasn't on Hosnian Prime when it was destroyed, or maybe this is a completely different character.
From the looks of the trailer, we will be meeting a lot of new and interesting characters this season, including a new hutt that seams to love Hype.
Obviously, the decision by Tam to join the First Order will be a big theme that will carry over to this season. I hope the show really goes into her feelings of betrayal, but also unwillingness to go against her former friends. Do I think she will be redeemed by the end of the show, probably, but they surprised me with her joining the First Order, so maybe they will surprise me again. Overall, I'm really looking forward to seeing how the First Order is portrayed, as now they are the ones that are taking over the galaxy, and on the war-path with the Resistance.
Speaking of the Resistance, I wonder how the show will end? My theory is that the remnants of the Resistance and the New Republic will come together to fight for the Colossus, which will lead into the events of the Rise of Skywalker. Does that mean other characters from the sequel trilogy, such as Rey, Rose, and Finn will show up? In all honesty, I think it is a good possibility, at least, for the final few episodes.
Unlike the Clone Wars and Rebels, the show doesn't center, or at least focus on the force, which I think is a nice change of pace. However, as Obi-Wan and Yoda said, the force binds everything together, so I imagine the show will deal with the force in some capacity, especially since one of the children of Tehar, Eila, is all but confirmed to be force-sensitive.
Of course, the trailer ends with the big money shot, an appearance from "Supreme Leader Kylo Ren." It's great that he will be a part of the show, though, I don't think he will be in the show much, because, as with Darth Vader in Rebels, it would be over pretty quickly if he was directly involved. Also, in case you all are wondering, Adam Driver won't be reprising his role in the show. Instead, long-time Lucasfilm sound engineer and voice of General Grievous, Matthew Wood, will voice him. I can just hear the memes already.