REVIEW: Star Wars Resistance "No Escape Part Two"
Going into the season finale, I had expectations about what was going to happen, and, once again like last week, while my predictions were 100 percent correct, they don't detract too much for my enjoyment. In fact, the way the episode ends makes me excited and extremely curious on what season two is going to be like.
The episode starts out with how last week's episode ends, with the destruction of Hosnian Prime, as you see how truly devastated Kaz is with the loss of his family and home. I liked how Torra and Yeager gave him comfort, and I also like how motivated Kaz was with the plan to get rid of the First Order, as Kaz could have easily sulked in grief, but chose to fight, which is a great character trait.
Eventually, Neeku comes up with a plan to remove many stormtroopers from the station by flooding the platform at certain spots, which works. I've had my problems with Neeku throughout the season, but it was nice for him to get his moments to shine and be "somewhat sharp" and competent.
Eventually, the big emotional moment of the episode comes as Tam has to make a choice about whether to stay with her friends or go with the First which she chooses the latter. First off, I loved the way the scene was shot, as there were shots and angles that mirrored shots from other Star Wars films, such as the Force Awakens.
The scene itself is very emotional and well done, as Tam does have a right to feel betrayed, even if Yeager and Kaz did what they did for the right reasons. Also, I like this direction with Tam a lot more than if she were to just straight up forgive the pair, as I think it wouldn't have been realistic.
Now, I have two theories on what the show will do with Tam next season. They could either make her a straight-up villain, albeit a sympathetic one, using her to try and track down the Colossus. Or, she can truly see firsthand the brutality of the First Order and make her have a change of heart, wanting her to leave. I'm ok with either outcome.
Eventually, the Colossus takes flight for the first time, (in over 20 years in the universe's timeline), and a massive battle takes place between the First Order and Kaz, Yeager, the Aces, and Aunt Z/Hype, who returned from Takodana. The whole battle sequence was beautifully animated, and while not the best battle ever on screen, it was still entertaining and had me on the edge of my seat a few times.
The pirate gang led by Synara also come back to help, which I predicted they will, so that was a nice touch. I wander what the show with do with the pirates next season, as I'm sure the residents of the Colossus wouldn't trust the pirates at all, even if the pirates were only pawns of the First Order.
Eventually, Kaz is able to kill Major Vonreg in a dogfight, and the Colossus makes the jump to hyperspace. While Kaz thinks the station is going to D'Qar, Neeku says he had no idea where he sent the ship...which, is actually pretty lucky for them, considering what happens to D'Qar at the beginning of the Last Jedi.
So, yeah, I'd say that's a pretty exciting way to end the first season, as not only does we as the audience not know where the characters are going, but neither are the characters. I hope the show doesn't do a time jump with the second season premiere and picks up straight from the end of this episode, which I thought was really good.
Again, while many people might think it's a problem that a lot of elements that happened were predictable, I see it as more of these predictable elements for now makes the show more interesting, which in turn, will lead to more unpredictable events and stories in season two. Plus, the twist with Tam is a lot more interesting to me, and makes me feel more sympathy, and in turn, more connected to her as a result.
Overall, while I'll give my full review of season one in the future, I can say that this episode, as well as the recent string of episodes preceding it, has made me change my opinion on the show from indifferent, to a show I like now and excited to see where it goes in the future.