REVIEW: Star Wars Resistance "The Doza Dilemma"
I'll cut right to the chance, this week's episode of Resistance was really good. It followed through on a lot of choices and actions that I predicted previously, but still showed good moments of action, suspense, and character growth.
The first five minutes show the pirate gang receiving new orders from the First take something valuable from Captain Doza in order to get him to join the First Order.
The first five minutes also show Synara bonding more with the people of the Colossus, specifically Kaz, Torra, and Tam, and it also shows her conflict between her mission with the gang, as well as her new friendships with the people of the station. Again, while I predicted all of this was going to happen, it's still nice to see all of this play out in a way that I thought was handled well. I can feel the conflict in Synara, and how she feels like she doesn't want to take part in her mission anymore, but feels she is in too deep.
(Also, on a side note, Torra, giving your tower personal code to Kaz and Tam are one thing, but to give it to Synara, you naive fool... which of course is nice for the plot to move forward.)
Eventually, Synara sneaks two pirates on board, and through a series of events, capture Torra, the valuable item, and attempt to take her away to the First Order. All the while, Kaz gets wind of this and helps lead the Aces in trying to find her in the Fireball.
One major thing I liked about this episode was how they handled Kaz. He obviously has a crush on Synara, but by the end of the episode, he's smart enough, and not blinded, to the fact that Synara is either in league with the pirates or working for them. That, to me, is so refreshing to see as normally, in other shows, the hero wouldn't believe their crush is up to no good until it's too late. I also like that Kaz takes more of a leadership role, and that he is able to think more on his feet.
Eventually, through a nice action sequence, the First Order arrives and betrays the pirates, taking Torra back. I pictured this would have happened at some point, as the First Order will do anything to deceive anyone into going along with their plans...before they go in with lethal force.
Torra is returned to Captain Doza. The First Order leaves behind a small detail of soldiers while Doza continues to think of their offer. I'll admit, I honestly thought he was going to agree to their offer right then and there in the heat of the moment, so it makes you wonder if the First Order will slowly take control of the station.
Overall, like I mentioned before, this was a really solid episode. While yes, a lot of stuff that I predicted came true, I don't really see that is a big detriment. Instead, I see it as the show going forward more with its overarching story, getting into more deeper themes and events, and testing the choices and actions of the characters more going forward, especially when the First Order increases their foothold more and more.