REVIEW: Star Wars Resistance "Signal From Sector Six"
For the last two weeks, Star Wars Resistance has been really good, in that, it provided entertaining individual episodes, while advancing the overarching storyline. This week's episode, "Signal From Sector Six," only really advanced the story slightly at the end, and provided some minor entertaining moments, mainly in an episode filled with non-important sequences.
The episode starts out with Kaz meeting with Poe again to begin a pilot training sequence. It's great to see Poe again, and as always, Oscar Isaac does a great job in the role. The two characters' interactions are for the most part, great in the episode. However, if I'm being honest, I almost felt like this episode, and Poe's role, were almost made to say to people, "Don't worry, Poe will still be in this series, he won't just be a one-off guest character."
The first-third of the episode deals with Poe trying to teach Kaz some new piloting moves, which he struggles with in the beginning. Which means Kaz will ultimately will use that exact move at the end of the episode. Spoiler alert, he does that exact thing. Eventually, both Kaz and Poe get a distress signal from a ship that was attacked from pirates and decide to check it out.
I'll admit, when the sequence begins of them searching the ship, there was some tension involved of what the threat of the ship could be. It reminded me of the scene in the Force Awakens with the there are sequences in the episode that are directly influenced from it.
However, all tension was lost, and complete dullness began, when we're introduced to the creatures carried on the ship...Kowakian monkey-lizards.
Yes, these creatures, made infamous by Salacious B. Crumb, my least favorite Star Wars character, take up a MAJOR chunk of the episode. When these creatures are used in small doses, they're tolerable to me. However, when they are used a lot, like in this episode, they can get grating, or at least, not needed. Seeing Poe and Kaz struggle with dealing with these things, it almost seemed like a metaphor for how most fans feel about them, which made it cathartic when Poe shoots one dead by accident.
Eventually, Poe and Kaz find someone alive in the ship, and end up rescuing her from the ship from a giant lizard, the real threat from the ship. I'll admit, I didn't see that coming and thought that twist was pretty creative.
Eventually, Kaz and Yeager take the person, named Synara Swan, back to the Colossus. While I agree with Kaz and Poe rescuing Swan, I also agreed with Yeager about it not being a good idea sending her back to the Colossus. As it turns out, Yeager's hunch was right, as she is part of the pirates working with the First Order that attacked the Colossus in "The Triple Dark."
Still, it certainly raises the stakes having the pirates have an inside man inside the station, considering what is their ultimate goal, which will hopefully lead to more interesting stories in the future.
Overall, the best way I can describe this episode is primarily uneventful, minus the last few minutes. There were some interesting moments and sequences, balanced out by moments that are dull. It was nice to see Poe again, but hopefully he will return in episodes that have more stakes involved.