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REVIEW: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "The Force of Gravity"

We’re coming down to the wire in terms of episodes and likely the series. Unfortunately, we do not have a two-part finale, so these episodes are all we have. Are they exciting? Do they wrap up long-standing plot points? We’re past those things mattering anymore, so why am I asking? If Infinity War is more of a part one than a feature, than this episode is more of a part .5 than a story.

Since this is the penultimate episode, that usually means the end to the superfluous and petty squabbles to deal with the real problem. And for the most part…that’s right. The characters themselves acknowledge the fact that the smaller issues don’t matter in the midst of the world almost ending. Then again, we still have to acknowledge that they were problems in the first place. There’s more time spent cleaning up things for the finale than setting up the ending.

Another issue is how surprisingly slow this episode moves for a season that’s ending next week. We have a collective less than 100 minutes left with these characters, so we really shouldn’t be drawing things like Creel’s death or Kassius’s dad talking. Even now, I can’t imagine anyone clamoring for these scenes unless the writers too got bored of the story they were telling. I don’t blame them for that, but we have to keep moving.

In fact, by the time we reach the ending, it only becomes more apparent how useless all the subplots and whining has been. When it comes down to the choice of saving the world or saving Coulson, what does it mater that Mack and Fitz are now in a fight? Or that Elena and Daisy had a fight before this? It’s just further proof that the past few episodes were a waste of time.

Still, they do finally move on from most of the petty problems and finish on the important ones. Talbot is still at large, and Coulson is dying. They are simple and poignant that we don’t have to drag it on or add any nonsense to understand the stakes. That alone makes the finale worth watching, though I can’t help but think of a dozen different scenarios that could have ended this way with less of a mess. Such a shame that this might be where we end.

Okay, onto some positive things, because I like to fair like that. The kiss between Coulson and May is easily the highlight of the hour whether you want them together or not. The set-up, effects, and Daisy’s reaction is just all too perfect. The action sequences in this episode are once again top-notch even though there is no stand-out moment. Finally, we at least have the satisfaction of the team being together again at the end of this dumb plot, even though it has to do with Coulson’s potential death.

Speaking of which, Coulson’s death. When it comes to network television, I’m inclined to believe that no, Coulson will not die. Of course he wouldn’t. However, with Infinity War and even this episode ending on such a downer, it’s hard to imagine how the season can somehow pick up at this point. Even if they do stop Talbot and save Coulson, we still have the looming idea of the galaxy being decimated or else break canon. That’s not a huge problem at this point, but the principle is there. There can’t be a happy ending.

Heck, we don’t even know how we could possibly reach a happy ending. They either choose one or the other, but the series is banking on coming up with an alternative route. Plus, how does that eliminate the other aliens as threats? As witnessed through last season’s finale, I doubt that we have enough time to adequately explain either plots. Maybe in another time, maybe in another season, maybe if we had a better setup. At least their bar couldn’t be lower.

As a penultimate episode, I hesitate to call it terrible since it does its job and it’s hard to judge after this season. It is on par with this half, no better and no worse. At this point, all I can look forward to is the hopefully some saving of the day and one last good Coulson monologue. I’d like to remember the series like that.

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