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REVIEW: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "The Devil Complex"

Another non-shocking twist: an episode before seventeen is mostly filler and angst. I hardly keep track of the episode numbers since I life to look at the stories individually, but I am really counting down my days to something interesting. Someday, we have to learn that being sad and showing blood doesn’t equal quality.

Let’s look at a bright side. They tried to do something interesting with the so-called fear dimension. Every single character has been through hell and back, so you’d think we’d get something more interesting than evil punching bags, minus Coulson’s confrontation with Mike Peterson. Don’t get me wrong, I expected more since see above. Still, there is some sense in not throwing away a huge rift in reality that provides an ample amount of angst for our heroes, and writers can’t get enough of that unsettling angst.

There was also an unusual sense of direction in this episode, not quite bad but enough to remark. They have shaky cams, circular camera motions, and the oddest choice of angles to convey whatever action they need. I wouldn’t necessarily call it a plus of the episode though since only filming style nerds like me would notice. However, because the only other time I can remember unique filming styles is from season three, you get some points there.

Now, to quote the episode itself, what is happening? No, I mean it, what is happening? My suspension of disbelief left at the words fear dimension, and they’re doing La Cucaracha on the remains with insanity. How is it that the slightly less outrageous plot point makes everything worse? Is there anything the show can do that doesn’t make it feel like they have to punch every single character down? There is literally no point to having another rift between Fitz and Simmons anymore especially since they’ve tied the knot. Sometimes I feel masochistic watching this.

Oh joy, we see the Superior again, one of the least interesting parts of season four. The fact that they brought him up again is probably proof that this plot with Hale is going down hill (more on that later). Despite the fact that we now have Coulson involved with Hale doesn’t change the sheer lack of interest I have with this. I don’t care about what they want. I don’t even fully understand what they want. How do we build a climax on this?

Now on to the second what is happening moment of the hour…aliens. And Hydra. Possibly together but they could also still be separated. I wouldn’t call this a jumping the shark instance so much as a Sharknado moment. I can just imagine the title SHIELD V Hydra Aliens. I never saw it coming, mostly because I don’t know a single person who wanted it.

The one really small thing that saves this is the return of Daisy’s powers which have been sorely missed with regards to their budget being shoved off for space. I could add that the episode also had probably the best scene with Deke, which is a sentence I don’t take lightly. I could also add that Coulson being under military surveillance has the plot moving forward which stops this from being completely filler. But I’m not going to do that because neither of those things are desired. Even now.

The absolute worse thing about all of this is…it really is starting to come together. Every character now has some form of plot or issue to contend with in the future. We are now on the cusp of an actual antagonist. Even though I dislike about 60% of these stories, I cannot deny the fact that there are stories now. And that’s a plus and a minus.

I would say skip this episode, but there are some important details that one would need. I guess that means just read a recap. Here’s one: Fitz and Simmons are fighting now, Simmons knows Deke is their grandson, Coulson is with Hale, the fear dimension is gone, and Daisy has her powers back. I just saved you an hour.

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