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REVIEW: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "The Real Deal"

Well here we are. Talking about the 100th episode of Agents of SHIELD. There has been laughter, there have been tears, there have even been some surprises in this day and age. Can one episode really sum up all those mixed emotions of the past five years? Since we still have a plot going on, probably not, but we have quite a few things to talk about in the meantime.

For starters, what the heck did I watch? This is probably the biggest test of my suspension of disbelief I have ever seen in this show, and we just saw time travel in space. There are few fantasy series that could get me to buy a dimension of fear much less a science-fiction series going on five years. There could be an argument that as the 100th episode we should be prepared for something outrageous, but there has to be a cut off somewhere before we lose sense, especially when none of this is going to matter in the long run.

Not to mention that, despite directed by Kevin Tancheroen, the scenes are very awkwardly edited for something that should have been meaningful. Moments that should have flowed are chopped into screenshots while quick-paced sequences are dragged for several minutes. Not to mention, there is a lack of a highlight moment for each one of the characters in their own right despite the ensemble cast. Plus, in true MCU fashion, even the most poignant scenes are undercut by some form of tonal dissonance. When it comes to buildup and the ultimate resonance of 100 episodes, this sadly falls short.

However, onto the more emotional stuff such as there is a lot of it at the loss of sense. Coulson’s deal with Ghost Rider which just basically means he’s dying, is revealed, which adds another tense layer onto an already sketchy situation. While the least surprising moment of this episode, I highlight this as a instance where the plot can still move forward in this nonsensical scenario. It’s strange that this crazy plot point is one of the tentpoles of reality for this nightmare, but this is where we are going now.

And bear with me on this. MIKE FRICKING PETERSON. Any appearance of him deserves a special shoutout. Not to mention an appearance of him as both Mike Peterson and Deathlok that shows that someone somewhere actually cares about the legacy of the show. His scene with Coulson is some of the most poignant material I’ve seen of the series, and I think this was worth the buildup of the five seasons, a sendoff to everything that has mattered.

And of course, FITZSIMMONS GETTING MARRIED. I am a sucker for romances, so this gets a highlight. It is portrayed as sweetly and romantically as any TV wedding. They have vows that speak from the heart with cheeky references to past experiences. Mack and Daisy stand to the side as witnesses, and Coulson marries them off in a quick effort. Fanfiction couldn’t have portrayed it any better. It was probably the only thing I would have demanded of this episode. Fortunately, it succeeded.

Speaking of fanfiction, however, we now have to deal with the concept of Deke actually being the grandson of Fitz and Simmons. Okay, not sure where we are going with that, but it still won’t make me like his character or enjoy his scenes with Daisy. I suppose it doesn’t make him worse, and we now have the new fanfic standard of FitzSimmons having children. Do with that what you will.

Now that the emotional ringer is down, we still have to return to the plot. The government is after SHIELD, a teenage assassin is after Daisy, and the world is still going to end (not caused by Daisy by the way). There’s nothing like a literal fear dimension to put reality into perspective I suppose.

In a weird way, that is SHIELD. A lot of it is nonsensical, more than enough for someone to quit, but there is a lot of heart at the center. When you get seriously involved, sometimes all the craziness can feel meaningful. After a long day, after five years, that still matters somewhere. Let’s hope the finale matches that sentiment as well.

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