Top Five Force Awakens Moments!

We're almost done. Only two more live-action films to go. Next up, the first in the long-awaited sequel trilogy; the third-highest grossing movie; (not counting for inflation) a film that had such immense hype and now a film that has divided the franchise. It's too much like A New Hope, Kylo Ren is too emo, Finn is annoying, Rey is a Mary Sue, Disney is shit, Kathleen Kennedy is pushing an agenda, bring Lucas back. These are just some of the many complaints I've heard from this film recently. Is some of the complaints warranted, yes. However, is the film better than the prequel trilogy? Yes! Is there at least five good moments in the film? I wouldn't make this list if there wasn't.

5. The ending
I know it's weird to begin the list with the ending, but yeah, I really liked this ending. I know a lot of people, including myself, were upset at first at Luke barely having 20 seconds of screentime in the film with no lines. However, in all honesty, I think this decision was brilliant. Luke wasn't the point of the film. Instead, the film was about the next generation of characters, and the journey to find Luke. It was about the journey, not the destination. Plus, the idea of Rey traveling great heights to meet a wise-old hermit is stuff from classic literature. Granted, it's sad we won't get a scene of Luke, Han, and Leia again, but to me, this cliffhanger ending worked for the film and as a great setup for the Last Jedi.

4. Finn vs. TR-8R
Back when this film came out, this was the biggest meme that spawned from the movie, Finn vs. FN-2199, who the fandom has dubbed TR-8R. I mean, it's a brief fight, but, it's an awesome, gritty fight. Plus, come on, the line is awesome. "Traitor!" It's so cheesy and cliche, but for some reason it works. Plus, how often do you see a stormtrooper kick someone's ass, let only a main character? It also ends perfectly with Han blasting the trooper at least ten feet back with Chewie's bowcaster.

3. The Death of Han Solo
Looking back, this moment was predictable. Still, the actual scene, with it's acting, lighting, writing, and scale is really effective. Everything about this scene just works. You can feel the emotion and pain both men are going through, and the actual moment of impalement and death, you realize this is a character that, for most fans, is gone after so many years. Plus, the music by John Williams is powerful and the emotional and raw reaction of Chewie is heartbreaking. Basically, this scene is easily one of the most powerful moments in the saga.

2. Kylo Ren's introduction
A lot of fans are mixed on the character, but in all honesty, I really like the character and how different he is from the other major villains in the franchise. I mean, he's a character that is tempted by the light side instead of the dark side. How often do we see that in Star Wars? He's emo, he's moody, he's got a lot of issues...he's got layers and is not a one-note villain. Plus, his introduction is badass with his awesome theme music and him stopping a blaster shot with the force.

Honorable mentions
As always, here are some honorable mentions. First are lines from the film that became memes..."Tell that to Kanjiklub," "One-quarter portion,"and "That's not how the force works." There's also the Falcon flight on Jakku, the battles of Takodana and Starkiller Base, Rey's force vision with the lightsaber, the reunion between Han and Leia, and of course, the two stormtroopers slowly backing away from one of Ren's temper tantrums.

1. Rey and Finn vs. Kylo Ren
Oh, but Rey shouldn't have beaten Kylo, she barely knows the force, she's such a Mary Sue. I have some arguments for this fight. 1) Kylo Ren was physically and emotionally damaged after just killing his dad, and taking a bowcaster bolt, which was seen causing troopers to fly off the ground to the side, to his side. 2) He was holding back because he wanted her alive, not dead. 3) Star Wars, in both canon and legends, have characters who are over-powered and/or beat characters they shouldn't. 4) They are trying to make a movie, it wouldn't be a good ending if Rey died...though it would have been a good twist if she was captured.
Anyway, while it's not my favorite duel in the series, it is still my favorite moment from the film and is a great developing moment for Rey, who, for the record, I don't consider a Mary Sue.
Overall, I can understand we a lot of people would not like this film as much or not at all. It is basically a repeat of A New Hope, but, it still, to me, has good characters, action, acting, and writing. Also, I'm sorry, this film is not worse than the prequel trilogy. Seriously, do I have to remind you all of the sand?