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Top Five Return of the Jedi Moments!

Ah yes, Return of the Jedi. While it's considered by many to be the weakest of the original trilogy, it is still held fondly by many fans and has some of the most memorable and impactful scenes in the franchise. Plus, as I have mentioned before, while I don't objectively think it's the best film in the saga, it's my subjectively favorite film, thus making it my favorite film of all time. So, needless to say, picking my favorite moments from the film was easy, narrowing it down to five, that's the hard part.

5) Endor Celebration

This may cause some controversy, but I prefer the special edition ending to the original ending...minus Hayden Christensen, that was stupid. But yeah, I prefer the new song to Yub Yub, (fight me) and I like that we travel to all the major planets we've seen through both trilogies at the time. However, most of all, I like the conclusion. After three films of fighting and darkness, our heroes emerge victorious with a hopeful future ahead of them. might want to change that tune once the First Order comes, but, details, details. Plus, the ending when the force spirits (ghosts) come and everyone gathers together, it almost brings a tear to my eyes.

4) Vader vs Luke round 2

While yes, this duel is shorter and not technically superior to the Empire Strikes Back duel, it more than makes up for in emotion and stakes. This duel is father vs. son. Both don't want to fight each other but both are forced into it for the fate of the galaxy. Plus, the Emperor toying with Luke is just so delicious. He steals every scene he is in. Plus, the part when Luke goes berserk and chops off Vader's hand has got to be one of the most emotionally charged and intense moments in the entire franchise.

3) The Battle of Endor

I couldn't decide what I liked more, the ground or the space battle, so I cheated and put them both here in this spot. The space battle to me, is battle than the Battle of Yavin. Don't get me wrong, I love the Battle of Yavin, but to me, the Battle of Endor is the best space battle in the franchise...although the Battle of Scarif is really close to perhaps topping it.

I know a lot of people criticize the ground battle for the "Emperor's best troops" losing to a bunch of little bears. In fact, the Ewoks in general are the main criticism people have with the film, which I can totally see, I'm not that naive. However, to me, the ground battle was just pure Star Wars entertainment. Plus, it was totally my boy Chewie stealing the AT-ST that turned the tide of the battle, just saying.

2) Battle of the Sail Barge

I don't know why, I just love this scene. No, it's not just because we see Leia in a bikini. I love the build-up with the music cues, the DUHS. I love the action, I love the suspense, I love Luke going all badass on us. The only complaint I have with this scene is that, of course, Boba Fett infamously goes out like a wuss, but other than that, I love everything about this scene. Plus, can we talk about how brutal is was that Leia coldly kills Jabba with the chain. It was awesome, but damn.

Honorable mentions

Before we get to my number one moment, as always, I have a few honorable mentions. First is Anakin's unmasking and death. It's my number six favorite moment and it is certainly one of the most moving, sad, and memorable scenes from the film. Another is Luke's confrontation with Vader on the Endor outpost. Another is Yoda's death scene and Luke's final conversation with Ben. Finally, I have Luke's first meeting with the Emperor and the Endor speeder bike chase.

1. Anakin's redemption

Hands down, this is not only my favorite moment from the film, it's my favorite moment from the saga, period. I love everything about this scene. Vader/Anakin, one of the most complex characters in recent fiction, finally, through inner conflict, redeems himself, saves his son, eliminates the Sith from the galaxy, and finally fulfills his destiny as the Chosen One. What I love the most about this scene is that we see the turmoil and conflict of Vader without him ever saying a thing and you don't need to. It conveys all the emotion you need right there. Of course Lucas had to totally ruin it in the 2011 Blu-Ray by making him shout NO, which is now probably considered canon...shit! Regardless, the original version of the scene is the one I will always remember.

So, while I can totally see why a lot of people don't like Return of the Jedi as much as the first two, people seem to forget just how much good material is in this film. If things could have been reworked or rewritten, this could have had the potential to be considered the best film. However, as it is, I still think objectively it's a good film and subjectively, it is still my favorite for the time being. Maybe the Last Jedi will change that.

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