REVIEW: Kyuranger 21

The search for the Argo is over but I still have so many questions. My confusion is not helped by Scorpio’s jarring change of heart or all the events that followed. But this episode did give us two awesome things: the return of Champ and the introduction of Tsurugi Ohtori – a.k.a., Houou Soldier.

Kyuranger normally does a good job at packing an episode full of action. This was a rare example in which way too much happened in a single half hour, to the point that it felt like two separate mini-episodes. I don’t think it would have hurt to stretch out Scorpio’s change of heart and subsequent death, as well as Don Armage’s introduction and evil plot (that was squashed too easily by the new overpowered “Sixth” Ranger.)

I’m not going to ask how Champ got to Earth without his Voyager because I was just happy to see him in action again. He continues to show compassion and practicality that a wrestling bull robot shouldn’t have. But his return was overshadowed by the introduction of the furry hobo in cryostasis within the Argo, who quickly turns into the handsome young man/overpowered “Legendary Savior” Houou Soldier. Like many Sixths before him, it doesn’t look like he’s joining the gang anytime soon. But the ending made him look unreasonably suspicious, which confused me. Yeah, he’s probably holding some secret or angst but are they trying to imply that a man who single-handedly defeated a Jark Matter/Consumarz invasion a villain?

That said, I love his outlandish nature. Given how ridiculous Lucky and Shou Ronpo can be, I’m impressed with how the show makes these three totally separate forms of obnoxious. To have another Red is a gutsy move, but Ohtori is a gutsy dude…and that sweet Houou Soldier suit (especially the astronaut helmet) BELONGS on a Red.
Stinger once again showed some great range, including an adorable shy side in the final scene. His bromance with Champ and his brotherly connection with Kotaro were emphasized for both serious feels and for laughs in a way that only Kyuranger can make work. It always makes me happy when the ending includes everyone eating and partying on the Orion deck, and this episode had the added bonus of cute plushies and Stinger running away as an awkward hot mess.

Kyuranger is on a break next week, but I’m sure that the Argo and Houou Soldier will be back by the end of the month. I’m also looking forward to bigger Big Bads…and the inevitable reincarnation of Madako.