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REVIEW: Kyuranger 19

After a week-long hiatus, Kyuranger is back with mood whiplash galore, featuring a kawaii elf hitting on Spada (really?) and Stinger acting the dumbest that he possibly can as the team’s token Sasuke Uchiha-style traitor.

Stinger’s angst logic is understandable yet maddening. I still can’t understand why he had to steal the Kyu Tama and put them in a risky spot if he was just going to fight his brother anyway. No espionage, no playing the good brother – it seems pointless. I would have enjoyed a double agent storyline for at least a couple episodes.

However, this was a good episode for Lucky – in fact, he was the best part of it. I’m not used to seeing a guilty Lucky, nor am I used to seeing him getting as intense as he did in his fight with Scorpio. While I personally disagree with his sentiment (saving Eris and wasting her years of work at the potential cost of billions or trillions of lives) he sticks to his beliefs. I also quite enjoyed the hint that Lucky may have something to do with the original saviors – in particular, this Sir Orion fellow that Eris spoke about.

Also, I must admit that I was bummed that Madako did not stay dead. I thought that last episode’s death was perfect for her. If the show is going to keep doing this, her final death had better be amazing.

Fight-wise, Lucky and Scorpio’s battle was the highlight. However, it was pleasant to see that Lucky’s Sun/Moon gimmick wasn’t just a one-episode trick; it is utilized well by Balance and Naga in the mecha fight.

Overall, this episode was nothing to write home about: it wasn’t particularly hilarious or tear-jerking like past episodes. The few funny scenes (which mostly involved Eris crushing on the guys and hurting Balance’s feelings) were admittedly cute. But the episode’s greatest success was in giving some good development for Lucky and Stinger, who I consider to be the two most frustrating (and interesting) characters on the show.

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