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Top 5 Star Wars Memes!

Happy Star Wars day everyone! May the fourth be with you! With a franchise as popular as Star Wars, you are bound to see it being made fun of or parodied. However, nowadays, the internet finds great pleasure at both celebrating and making fun of something by making memes of it. This can be intentional or not. It can be funny or a meme for the sake of being a meme (dank memes), but Star Wars nowadays has no shortage of popular memes and I'm here to count them down. Fair warning, Han Shot First isn't here because it's more of a criticism that just reached popularity. Also, "I am Your Father," and Vader's infamous "No" isn't on here either. Otherwise, on with the list.

5. Porkins

Our first meme is a character from the first movie, Jek Tono Porkins. As you might remember, Porkins, or, known as Red-six, was the first X-Wing pilot to be killed in the Battle of Yavin. Why is he a meme? A couple reasons. One, how he died, it was said that the Death Star blasters couldn't shoot down anyone, yet, he died from that. Two, it was how quick he died in the battle and didn't contribute to anything. Third, and sadly the biggest reason, and I hope I don't offend any readers by saying this, he is overweight and his name is Porkins! I mean, seriously, when Lucas wrote this, did he not think how stupid that name was for the character?

4. The High Ground

This is the newest Star Wars meme that has taken the internet by storm. It's referencing the line Obi-wan gave Anakin at the end of Revenge of the Sith saying that it's over, "I have the high ground." Why is it a meme? Well, I think it's a meme because of how pointless of a thing it is to say to Anakin in that situation, how Obi-wan actually said the line, and also how having the high ground in Star Wars in most instances doesn't really matter. For example, Darth Maul had the "high ground" against Obi-wan himself in the Phantom Menace but that didn't matter. Bottom line, this meme, while kind of funny, is a textbook definition of a dank meme, a meme to be a meme.

3. "I Don't Like Sand"

Oh boy, probably the worst, or at least the most awkward line in Star Wars history. We all know how it goes, "I don't like sand, it's coarse, rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere." Why is it a meme? Well, why do you think? It's because of how terrible the line is, that's why we all love it. From how Hayden says it, which FYI, isn't good, to the line itself, which is technically true about sand, but more importantly, it's the context of the line. It's supposed to be a romantic scene. Granted, every romance scene is corny and cheesy as hell, but the scene is supposed to be a romantic moment between the two and this is what Anakin says the Padme to try and woo her, one of his pet peeves. Well, hey, it eventually worked...somehow.

2. Palpatine

Palpatine/Darth Sidious can have his own countdown of memes just dedicated to him, mostly of him from Revenge of the Sith, though some moments from Return of the Jedi were contenders as well. There are so many memeable moments from Palpatine from Revenge of the Sith. "Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?" "DO IT!" "Execute Order 66!" "I AM THE SENATE!" All of those lines and more have all become a part of internet culture and I love it. Why are they memes? It's because of how Ian McDiarmid said them. You can tell that he had a blast portraying the character and going over-the-top with his performance and you almost have to for playing a character that is the ultimate evil in the galaxy. Plus, if I didn't put him on the list I would have gotten in trouble, after all, he is the senate.

1. "It's a Trap"

Ok, I don't think this one needs that much of an introduction. This is not only one of the most popular Star Wars memes ever, it's one of the most popular internet memes ever. Even people that have never seen the movies know of this line. It's iconic, it goes great with so many parodies and comedic moments online and on social media, it's one of the most famous and quotable lines from the franchise, it is the number one Star Wars meme!

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