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REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels "Trials of the Darksaber"

Much like last week, this episode took place entirely on Chopper Base and only focused on a few characters. However, much like last week, the writing and storytelling is what makes the episode stand out. In fact, it is more so this week. We get a small, but intense look at Sabine's backstory on Mandalore while also watching her learn to overcome her fears while also accepting her responsibility.

Fen Rau tells Kanan more about the darksaber. (BTW, the 2d sequence used to describe the backstory was really cool looking.) He says that the weapon belonged to the first Mandalorian Jedi and that throughout the years it was used by members of Clan Vizsla to unite the people of Mandalore together. Sabine, however, initially wants no part in learning how to use the weapon or go back to Mandalore due to her family shunning her and her escaping the Empire there. She does eventually give in and elects to start training under Kanan.

That ends up easier said than done. It's not that Kanan is a horrible teacher per se, in fact, I liked seeing him in the teaching role. However, the problem with Kanan is that he wants to teach her like he did with Ezra as a Jedi to make her be balanced emotionally and get over her fears. This obviously doesn't work and Ezra ends up having to teach her the basics in the meantime.

This episode honestly does a good job in making you feel sympathy for both sides. On the one hand, Kanan is right. Sabine does need to have balance and needs to fully commit emotionally in order to succeed. However, you also feel for Sabine because the weapon and her new role reminds her of a place that scarred her and a family that abandoned her, so you can see why both sides would get frustrated with the other.

Heck, even Ezra and Sabine have a few nice scenes together while they train and discuss her fear. However, once again in the beginning, Ezra kind of acts like a cocky asshole to her. At this point, I think it's just in his DNA to be an ass.

However, one of my favorite scenes is when Hera talks to Kanan about Sabine and makes him understand where she is coming from and to not hold her back. That's one thing I will give this show, when the writing is on point, the characters seem real and work of each other really well.

Eventually, the episode culminates in a powerful sequence where Kanan and Sabine have a training session. Kanan makes Sabine through rough wordplay finally confess her fears and reveal what happened to her in her past. When she was in the Imperial academy on Mandalore, she was forced to make weapons that the Empire used to subjugate her people. When she deserted the plane to fight the Empire and protect her family, her family went against her and called her a traitor and an outcast.

Well damn, you poor child. No wonder she has no desire to go back there. The whole sequence is well acted and well shot and it was nice to have Sabin finally open up and confront her past. In the end, I think this episode gave more depth to her character, as well as show the lengths that one can do in order to overcome fear.

Overall, this episode was a really well-done character-study episode. The acting, writing, and emotion were all on point, from multiple sides and angles. Plus, this episode in my opinion did more to flesh out Sabine's backstory and character than the last couple Mandalorian-centric episodes.

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