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What to Expect for Doctor Strange

Here is your much-needed update that not only is Doctor Strange a Marvel movie that is coming out but that it is coming within a week. With the confusing addition of magic, the regurgitation of another origin story, and the dislikeability factor of Benedict Cumberbatch, I’m sure you’ve blocked the movie from your mind despite the Marvel logo. Nevertheless, here is the preview for Doctor Strange.

Since I know that you probably haven’t been keeping up with the movie, Doctor Strange is about skilled surgeon Stephen Strange suffering from an accident that damages his hands. In an effort to heal them, he travels all over the world, discovering the Ancient One who takes him on in developing the mystic arts. Unfortunately, taking on the mystical arts puts him at odds against a Master of the Mystic Arts named Kaecilius who plans to gain the power of the alternate worlds at the risk of the natural world.

Even if you weren’t caught up in the white-washing, gender-bending of the Ancient One or the previous casting of Joaquin Phoenix as the title hero, the whole thing still sounds pretty meh. That’s not to say that this movie will end up as bad as Fant4stic (if that were possible), but, beyond the magic aspect, there isn’t too much originality here. A self-centered hero (Iron Man) is placed out of his element (Thor/Captain America) and trains with an expert despite being surrounded by people vastly superior to him (Ant-Man). The fact that this is an origin story just knocks it down a further peg.

Granted, one thing that the movie has going for it is the magic element. That may sound like an obvious feature just to expand the universe for more characters, more movies, and more opportunities to do things with fewer explanations. In a universe where we may still have Thanos court the physical representation of Death, this could be a good thing. In a world where Marvel may use this as an excuse to shortchange a plot, it’s a bad thing.

I won’t be entirely dismissive of the concept since it will definitely be unique for a Marvel movie. Reports already describe the concept of a magic foot chase throughout the city which I’m surprised to say hasn’t been done yet. Like always, if action were the centerpieces of any Marvel movie, though they usually are, then I would have no problem Doctor Strange. That being said, unfortunately, we still do have to deal with the characters.

Unfamiliarity aside, there’s nothing too offensive about the rest of the characters, that is if we will hopefully get time for them to develop. Chiwetel Ejiofor, Benedict Wong, and Rachel McAdams would all be great additions to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Of course, they will mean absolutely nothing in the much side-lined and maligned positions of sidekick or love interest that they will probably have. It’s a shame since their character descriptions aren’t that bad with students of the Mystic Arts or a surgeon who will inevitably be caught up in this. It’s all tied up in to how Doctor Strange will pay off in Doctor Strange.

Of course, how do you think it’s going to end? Doctor Strange will pull through, though I’m not so hopeful of the Ancient One. Kaecilius will be defeated, and the universe will be saved with possibly another small hint to the sequel, maybe Karl Mordo being not as good as he appears. The only other thing more predictable is a cameo from another Marvel character since the studio couldn’t even trust Ant-Man on his own. That will be known as post credit scene number two.

Unfortunately, this is still probably the first Marvel I’m not enthusiastic about at the moment. It’s one thing to be more excited for things like Black Panther or Captain Marvel, but this is something that I’ve just been apathetic to as it drew closer. This says a lot since I was even interested in Fant4stic before I learned what happened in it. While Fant4stic had next-to-nothing, it looks like Doctor Strange won’t have anything that we haven’t seen before and likely better. Even without the bad press or questionable casting, this movie would still give off that vibe as if the gimmick of magic is more important that a decent story.

However, like all things, I am willing to give this movie the benefit of the doubt at least until after it premieres. That way, I can still look forward to the things I know the movie can succeed in like the effects and action and still be as annoying as possible when going against it. Just prove me wrong, Marvel. That’s all you have to do.

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