Rogue One Trailer 2

Well, this was a shock. I knew that there was going to be one more Rogue One trailer that would be shown in Doctor Strange. However, it was a surprise to everyone when it was revealed that the trailer would premiere today (10/13). Well, look at it this way, lucky us.

Right off the bat with this trailer, we see some backstory on Jyn as well as her father Galen (Mads Mikkelsen). Yeah, we finally get to see him in a trailer. We flashback to Jyn's childhood where we see him being taken by Director Krennic and his deathtroopers. We then cut back to the present (well, the movie's present time) where we see Jyn being freed from jail by the Alliance who give her the assignment to find and rescue Galen. It is important for Jyn's group, under the call name ROGUE ONE, to find Galen because he was apparently a chief engineer in building the Death Star.
This is a lot to take in obviously but it does create a lot of drama, a lot of intrigue, and it makes you wonder if Galen is the one in the end that gives the plans to Death Star to the group. If I do have to nitpick, it felt kind of forced, at least the way it was said, how the name Rogue One fits into the movie.

We also get to see more of Director Krennic, and also speak for the first time, during the trailer. There is a rumor for the movie and the upcoming prequel novel, Catalyst (yes, a prequel for a prequel) that years ago, Krennic saved Galen and his family so when Krennic shows up, it's basically him collecting on his debt. I mean, it wouldn't be Star Wars without someone owing someone else something.

This was one of the cooler shots in the trailer depicting the Death Star. I got to say, regardless of how good this movie ends up being, I can't deny that it looks beautiful. Obviously, they were trying to capture the same look of A New Hope but it also has a look and feeling of its own too. Also, the music that plays in the trailer is also really good and I hope that it will appear in the movie. Although, being honest, it does feel weird going to see a Star Wars movie without John Williams as the composer.

Here we see Jyn, Andor, and K-2SO undercover in an Imperial facility. Hmn, sound familiar?! All joking aside, it does seem like it will be a good stealth section during the movie although it makes you wonder how long it will last before shit hits the fan and the action starts. I'm just excited to see all of these characters to interact with each other as well. I'm especially about Chirrut Imwe, the blind warrior played by Donnie Yen and Saw Gerrera, the Clone Wars character played by Forest Whitaker (who has a robotic foot).

I also got to talk about the action in this trailer as well. There will now be both space battles and massive land battles as well, which is awesome. A lot of rumors are going around saying that this really the first time Star Wars will feel like a war movie which I hope is true. Don't get me wrong, I love the action in the other films, but I'm excited to see real gritty, down-to-earth, intense, war-like action from a Star WARS film.

This shot from the trailer was also intriguing which continues a shot from the last trailer. After the last trailer came out, many people, including myself, made the theory that the Empire will test the Death Star's capabilities and will thus not be able to destroy a planet instantly, instead, it will basically cause a planet to collapse on itself. It would make sense that the Empire would want to test it, especially if it means destroying a group of rebels although it makes you wonder if Tarkin was lying to Leia then in A New Hope when he said they were testing the station on Alderaan.

I mean, it wouldn't finish without mentioning Vader. Much like the last trailer, he only showed up for a few seconds which goes back to my theory that he won't be in the movie much or they are trying to save his actions in the film. Regardless, like I said before, I'm still excited to see him and I have no doubt that they will treat him with respect. I mean, if they screw up Vader, fans would never forgive them.
Overall, much like the last trailer, this trailer was really good. I was beginning to worry in the beginning that they were showing too much and some of the dialogue felt a little hokey, however, the characters look interesting, the action and effects look incredible and it will be interesting to see how this story, which was referenced nearly forty years ago, will play out.