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REVIEW: Star Wars Rebels: "The Antilles Extraction"

I'll admit, going into this episode, I knew exactly what the basic structure of this episode would be like. Sabine goes undercover, convinces Wedge to leave the Empire and the breakout. And, for the most part, that is what the episode does. However, to my surprise, there are a few elements of this episode that I really enjoyed or, dare I say, caught me off guard.

So the episode starts off with a surprisingly brutal destruction of a Rebel transport and fighter escort by the Empire. It's weird, we've for so many years, not just in this show, see the Empire as kind of a laughing stock but we forget that they are a powerful and deadly force that shouldn't be reckoned with. Back at the Rebel base, we learn from a Rebel informant that there are Imperial pilot cadets at the famous Skystrike Academy that wish to defect and Sabine is put undercover.

What was interesting in this sequence was that it is revealed that there are multiple informants with the same name Fulcrum, not just Ahsoka. Not only is that a smart idea, but it also raises the questions of who are they, will they eventually be revealed in the series and if so, are they anybody that we would know off from the original trilogy?

Speaking of original trilogy characters, let's talk about Wedge. He's obviously a lot younger, but I can sort of see the same piloting spirit that he had in the original movies and it is cool to see where he came from. However, if I'm being honest, there was nothing truly special to his character. I'm not saying that he is bad, but it's the same type of character we've seen a bunch of times before with people defecting from organizations. Honestly, I was more surprised in the fact that one of the pilots that wants to defect is Hobby. Hobby, if you remember, was a pilot that helped Luke in the Battle of Hoth. Considering that this is now the first canon time we've seen his face since Episode Five, it almost feels like a huge Easter egg.

After a series of simulations and convincing, Wedge and the other defected pilots decide to leave with Sabine. It is at this same point that Governor Price and Agent Kallus arrive to inspect the station for the defectors. When help arrives, aka, Ezra in a transport, the rescue fails and the group is captured.

It is here we get more time with Governor Price as she tries to interrogate Sabine. You know, if she is just the Governor of one Imperial planet, how does she have the authority to do all this stuff? Despite that, I am actually starting to warm up to her as a villain. It's weird, she has shown up more than Thrawn at this point, which is kind of weird. Despite that, I like her no-nonsense, tough as nails attitude. It's kind of refreshing to see another Imperial officer act this way other than Vader and Tarkin. However, I'll admit, she has her troopers take off Sabine's handcuffs before she is put in a torture machine. Yeah, big mistake. After a surprisingly intense fistfight, she is defeated and Sabine rescues Wedge and Hobby.

It is at this point, during their escape attempt that the biggest surprise of the episode happens, and it involves Agent Kallus. Remember last season when he and Zeb sort of built a bond when they were trapped on the frozen moon? Well, that is brought up. He actually let's them go. He said that it is to make sure that he and Zeb are now even. Wow, that raises so many different thoughts. First off, this proves that Kallus, despite some moments in past seasons, is truly one of the only high ranking Imperials with a sense of honor. I mean, what he did was incredibly stupid. If he was caught he could have been arrested or worse, killed for treason. So, that speaks really highly of his sense of character.

However, that being said, will that be the last favor he ever does for the Rebellion? I originally predicted last season that this season he will defect and join the Rebellion. However, now that he feels validated for his actions here, will he now just continue serving the Empire? These are really interesting questions that we leave us guessing throughout the season.

In the end, Ezra returns and rescues the three and Wedge and Hobby officially join the Rebellion. Will we see Wedge again in the future? I would imagine so as he is now an expert pilot that the Rebellion needs other than Hera. Overall, was this episode bad, no. The animation and action were good and there were moments that stood out and surprised me. However, the episode's main plot is still something that we've seen before and seeing Wedge didn't really have the big impact that I thought it would. Maybe he will get his moment to shine later this season.

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