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5 Characters Who Could Appear in Captain Marvel

This past summer, we got plenty of news regarding the Marvel movies of the future. We’re now sure that Michael B. Jordan is in Black Panther. We got the names of characters in Spider-Man: Homecoming. We even found out that Kurt Russell will be playing Starlord’s dad in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Sure he’s also a living planet, but that’s just another detail. One movie that’s still in the dark, however, is Captain Marvel. We have a Captain Marvel in Brie Larson but not much else to go on for a movie. With the limited background on Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel (via 2012), here is a potential list of characters who could show up in the Captain Marvel movie.

5. Moonstone

Every superhero needs a good supervillain, and it helps if they’re everything the hero is but evil. Carol Danvers and Karla Sorfen are both hardworking, driven women, but Sorfen has the distinct lack of empathy when it comes to people having emotional breakdowns, especially when she causes them. Not only would Moonstone be a physical match for Captain Marvel in strength and powers, but her distinct lack of empathy and psychiatric expertise could make her an interesting opponent physically as well as mentally. Think another Loki, but with boobs and hopefully less psychotic fans.

That’s not to say Captain Marvel requires a female villain as well as a female hero, but with this character, it would be a waste to ignore her for one of the run-of-the-mill bad guys Marvel films pull out usually. Plus, the balance between the two could lead to an impressive climactic fight which has been lacking in women lately. If the best option is a woman, what should be the problem?

4. General Thunderbolt Ross

This one is more of a general role (ha!) for a military presence in the movie. It doesn’t really matter whether it’s Thunderbolt Ross or John Ryker, but there will be someone from the military or Air Force playing a significant role. Will they be antagonistic to Carol Danvers or do they just tolerate the whole superpowers thing? If we’re going with Moonstone and the aftereffects of Civil War, I’m going to say that Captain Marvel probably won’t have the military or Air Force breathing down her neck. Perhaps, like Iron Man or Iron Patriot, she might actually be more of their mascot for the “legal” hero when we meet her.

Honestly, that could be one of the notable aspects of the movie considering where it’s placed and what just happened. Captain Marvel takes place between two Avenger movies when some unholy terror will rain down on the planet, but it also takes place after Civil War where heroes will now be registered with the government. Carol is an Air Force Major, making her a U.S. representative, but she’s also a superhero. That conflict, represented by the military official, will have to play a part, especially if Carol just receives her powers.

3. Michael Rossi

This is more because of the fact that nearly every single superhero movie since the dawn of time has had a love interest. For Carol Danvers, it’s a surprisingly small pool to find love interests, and that counts the whole Marcus Immortus storyline which the movie better not touch with a ten-foot pole. The closest one they could probably go for is Michael Rossi, a former lover of Carol Danvers. A trained Air Force operative, he could easily measure up to her before we get into her super powers. If he can be a confidant and not a superhero who steals her thunder, that’s the best we can ask.

2. Kamala Khan

Yes, I do believe that Kamala Khan can be in the Captain Marvel movie. Introduced far too early to be a lead in her own right, I don’t think there’s anything stopping her from being a featured player in the Captain Marvel movie. In the end, Kamala Khan’s story as Ms. Marvel relies on the existence of a Captain Marvel, so it would be the most obvious move to make sure she’s in Captain Marvel’s story. I’m not completely ruling out the easier television route once the movie premieres, but it would be nice to see her face on the big screen not only as a minority representative but as a girl inspired by a female hero. Who knew those existed?

1. Captain America

This one’s more of a hope rather than a guess, also because I doubt they’d have a Captain Mar-Vell. Of all the inevitable Marvel cameos, though, I would think that Captain America would have the best impact. At this point, Steve Rogers is technically a fugitive from justice. Who knows what he’ll be after Infinity War, but it’s clear no matter what he’ll still be a hero. Whether it’s in that film or this one, it would still be amazing to see two captains side by side. On top of all that, I have no idea where the name Captain Marvel would come from without connecting it to the star-spangled man.

Captain Marvel won’t premiere until 2019, and Captain Marvel herself won’t appear until Infinity War. With all that time, there are plenty of opportunities for me to be wrong. Still, Captain Marvel is easily one of my more anticipated Marvel films, and with a story only four years old, they are bound to make significant changes. Now if you excuse me, I have to count down to the time I can make a realistic countdown for this movie.

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