REVIEW: Zyuohger 22

Warning: This is another Misao-focused review, because this is yet another Misao episode. I currently don't mind him being the main focus: Misao/TheWorld’s story has been more interesting so far than the other main characters, probably because he is so different from them. In this episode we learn that Misao has acquired the Rhino Zyuman's heightened sense of touch, and that he is easily flattered by Amu. We also learn that Amu is really, really good at flattering people. I still love her manipulative yet cutesy charm, and it makes me wish that she had the chance to show her personality more.

This episode also debuts Wild Tousai King, which is not as ugly as I had expected. This was yet another fight in which I felt the challenger did not warrant the mecha upgrade. Even Master Genis wasn't excited by Illuzion, a one-trick pony who plays hide-and-seek with bombs. Genis even turns down a glass of wine (gasp!) but I can't blame him: this round by Kubar was disappointing. I have to wonder is Genis has regrets about abandoning TheWorld now. But it seems that next week someone new will arrive to spice up his and the Dethgaliens’ game.

Wild Tousai King is a multi-colored Minecraftian beast that the Zyuohgers think is impossible to form…until Misao does a little juggling act and everything comes together. Because of course it does. Because everything about him is perfect, except for his personality.

Misao is ridiculously strong in comparison to the others, and he completely overwhelms them. He has shown that he knows how to work as a team, but his logical side malfunctions once he's fired up. And I’m sorry, but no one can justify to me the absurdity of TheWorld sending a giant building flying through the air simply by pulling on The GunRod really, really hard. At this point, it is The Misao Show, and Zyuohger is lucky that I like him. However, either Yamato needs to power up soon, or Misao needs to learn more self-control. I see the latter happening before the former, but the former is inevitable. Misao is simply not fit to be a leader, but Yamato is the team's glue.

Other episode highlights include the bizarre dreamland attack Illuzion uses against the Zyuohgers (a rare divergence from his surprise bomb trick) and the Team Amu versus Team Sela discussion between were either Misao’s delusions or the actual dead Zyumans trapped in his body.
This was a fun episode, even if the Dethgalien gimmick as disappointing. Story development and foreshadowing occurred, and that’s all I was really looking for. I will be sad when this arc ends, but some things have to change, and by things I mean power dynamics.