Review: Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Trailer

Well, Star Wars celebration is here and while we are waiting patiently for the second Rogue One trailer, Rebels is here to tie us over. And boy, did it ever. I'm going to do something different this time for this trailer. I will have a slideshow of images from the trailer and comment underneath them because that's what a trailer is, a collection of images.

Well, the trailer started out with the main cast's new looks. Obviously, Ezra, Sabine, and Kanan got the biggest changes. I cant tell some time has past and Ezra is getting older, so his new cut hairstyle reflects that. I really like Sabine's look because I think it highlights her personality really well. I also like Kanan's eyepiece and new outfit. Heck, I even like Zeb's more traditional outfit based on his culture.

During the trailer, one of the storylines will be a group of Imperial pilots that want to defect to the Rebellion. One of the pilots was nicknamed Wedge. Yes, this could be the origin story for legendary Rebel Pilot Wedge Antilles. That would be amazing if that is true and would add a dynamic twist to his character.

One of the shots in the trailer was what many people described as an outrider. AKA, the ship that Dash Randar used in Shadows of the Empire. Could he be canon next?

Another storyline will involve, based on a few shots, dealing with the Rebels trying to take over an Imperial base to steal Y-wings. Again, it would be a great backstory onto how the Rebellion acquired all of their fighters.

The mandalorians will return this season as the crew of the Rebels and the protectors will have to fight those that are loyal and serve the Empire. It will definitely give more development and backstory for Sabine and will lead to great action set pieces. Also, as man people pointed out, the white armor is based on the early concept sketches for Boba Fett by Ralph McQuarrie, which is a neat touch.

Here is just a quick shot of Kanan, Ezra, and Rex in action. What is also cool is that you see Ezra's new lightsaber. Not only is it a new color, but a new, normal design. Heck, it kind of looks like Kanan's in a way.

Yes, you are not seeing things. The rebels will be fighting battle droids this season. Are they reprogrammed by the Empire? Are you still a holdover from the Confederacy? We will just have to wait and see. It didn't see it coming though.

Cham and his freedom fighters will be back this season as well, which makes sense. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the character, I just wasn't the biggest fan of the episode he was in.

Speaking of characters coming back, Hondo will be back as well as he is the one apparently who knew the information about the Y-wings.

Oh boy, the big one from the trailer, the thing that made everyone lose their minds. Fan-favorite villain from the old EU, Grand Admiral Thrawn is back into Star Wars canon and will be a major villain this season. Now, I kind of expected this considering how Filoni teased it for so long. I never actually read the Thrawn trilogy back in the day so I really have no connection to him. However, from what I've seen of him from the trailer, I lie that he is cold, yet calculating and patient. I feel he will be a great villain and threat to the Rebels.

This is just a nice shot showcasing how Kanan is able to fight despite being blind.

The next two shots showcase some other types of enemy droids. The bottom ones, which are really cool-looking, are owned by the Empire. The other one, who the hell knows, it has a flamethrower.

Throughout the trailer, we get glimpses and words from others of Ezra slowing slipping to the dark sidethanks to him opening the sith holocron. I think that it will be a great and interesting dynamic for the character this season. We also see him speak to the holocron as well which is still voiced by Ventress' voice actress.

As expected, Kanan will have a big focus this season too. In this shot, it looks like magic from a nightsister is curing his blindness. Now, this just leaves me with so many questions. Did some nightsighters survive the Clone Wars massacre? If so, why would Kanan go to them for help?

Now, we can't forget about the other major antagonist this season, Maul. Yes, Maul would love nothing more than to have Kanan dead and have Ezra as his apprentice. If you look closely, you can see Kanan's eyes light up green. Does this mean that he is under control by the nightsisters?

One storyline this season will have Kanan speak to a giant creature called a bendu. He says that he is in the middle between the light and dark sides of the force. What will this all mean, we'll have to wait and see.

Scout troopers will make their introduction this season. Also, Sabine gets the darksaber that was owned by Pre Viszla and Maul. That is freaking awesome.

Finally, we see some shots of Maul and Ezra working to combine some holocrons or crystals together and Kanan trying to stop them before it explodes. So, overall, if you couldn't tell, I thought this trailer was terrific and can't wait for this season. To me, tis trailer showed enough to make you guess what could happen and get excited without showing too much. That is how all trailers should be.