Review: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Show Part 1

Well, now that I reviewed the movie, now it's time finally talk about the show. For this first part, I will do a general overview of what I thought of the show, both good and bad. First, I would like to say that it's ironic that this show went from a show that hardly anyone liked or wanted to a show that a lot of fans love and want brought back to finish. I watched this show from the very beginning, so I was there for all of its ups and downs and when it was cancelled. Was the show worth all of the drama and how will it be remembered years later? Well, I have my answers.

I will first spend the article talking about what I liked about the show, which does outweigh the bad. I said previously that the versions of Anakin and Obi-Wan were my personal favorites. Well, my Anakin, there really wasn't much competition. Hayden was questionable in his performance but the character was written horribly. This Anakin, voiced by Matt Lanter, was not only voiced well, but also is written well. This is the Anakin that we should have gotten in the prequels. He is kind, caring, but does have his flaws. However, you believe in his character and how he grows attached to those he cared about. Him and Obi-Wan, you believe in their brotherly friendship. His relationship with Ahsoka is also handled really well. Heck, he has better chemistry with Padme than in the movies. Overall, when I look at the character of Anakin of the cunning warrior, the good friend, and the tragic fallen hero, I only look at this Anakin, the only likeable one in my opinion.
James Arnold Taylor as Obi-Wan is also handled well. The reason why I like his version the best is because to me, he combines all of the qualities that made Ewan McGregor and Alec Guinness so great. He's caring, has a good sense of humor and wit, but also is vulnerable and open as well. He has a love interest in the show, and you know what, it's handled well too.
Finally, as far as main characters, there's Ahsoka and Captain Rex. Like I said before, she went from being hated to being a fan favorite. I think that as she got older in the show, she got more mature, which is what fans probably wanted. However, I never really thought that she was a bad character. Again, she is three-dimensional and has her own personal strengths, weaknesses, and journey that she goes on. Rex, as well all the other clones is given his own personality and really makes them feel like real soldiers in a war and not just lab experiments. Heck, his development was so good that it's no wonder why fans were thrilled when he and Ahsoka were revealed to be coming back to Rebels.

Now, for the side characters. Much like the original 2d cartoon from 2003, the show highlights and gives personality to all of the side characters that didn't get much screen time in the Prequels. Hell, remember Plo Koon, the Jedi with the weird mask thing, well, thanks to the show and his screen time, he is now one of my favorite Jedi. The show also introduces a lot of side characters, such as pirate Hondo Onaka and bounty hunter Cad Bane. They are entertaining characters that do get their moments in the spotlight. The rest of them either fair well, or not so much. (We'll get to that later.)

Now, you can't have good guys without bad guys, so let's talk about them. Darth Sidious was great in the show pulling all of the strings in the shadows. This is going to maybe get controversy, but I liked this Count Dooku more than from Episode 2. I know, Christopher Lee was awesome, but I thought this Dooku was more intimidating, threatening, and more going for his character. His personal assassin and apprentice, Assajj Ventress was another great villain who eventually turned into an anti-hero later on.
General Grevious, oh boy. He did have his moments to shine and I do like his voice, but I wrote an entire article before about what happened to his character, but yeah, he can be a wimp in the show and gets his ass kicked, a lot. Darth Maul also comes back as well. While the explanation of why he survived is far fetched (it was his hatred for Obi-Wan, no really, that was it.), it was worth it because he is the best Darth Maul, period. Best voice, best motivation, and he actually has a personality. He also has a brother named Savage Opress in the show wo a lot of people don't like. I feel sorry for the character and his voice is awesome (Clancy Brown) but yeah, the character could have been written better. He comes off more as a bumbling servant. The rest of the villains are either droids, Republic traitors, bounty hunters, and others and they range from good to...thank goodness for the others.

Now, let's talk about the animation briefly. It is the definition of what happens when you get improvement over time. In the beginning, the animation was kind of lackluster. However, towards the end, the animation improved and looks really good. Like, there are some moments were the animation really is breathtaking. The sound effects and music were always top-notch though.

Let's also talk briefly on the action and the lightsaber duels. Not all of them are amazing, but when they knock it out of the park, they really knock it out of the park. There are truly great action set pieces and duels that will stand out as part of the greater Star Wars universe.
Now, as far as the stories and writing, I will talk about what I like first. A lot of the story arcs that the show made you really good at expanding the galaxy the universe is set in, as well as showcasing the dynamic relationships and journeys for the characters, both good and bad. Yeah, there are arcs that just focus primarily on the villains, and you know what, they work. There are also arcs that help explain key points from other Star Wars media. For example, without spoilers, there is an arc that explains what is the origin for Order 66, which I thought was really cool.

Ok, now for what you really want, what I hated. No, I won't be talking about all the times it broke canon. No, I'm not that nitpicky, though it did bother me. Let's be real, I gave shit to Rebels to being kiddy, but, yeah, the first couple seasons, while not horrible, were for kids. As the show progressed, it got more mature, but in the beginning, you can tell who the show was for. There were also arcs and characters that I didn't like. I will go over the arcs when I cover the individual seasons, but for the most part, I didn't like a lot of the political episodes. I just thought they were kind of dull, though I do understand why they tried to make them. There are side characters I found annoying, mainly Jar Jar and Mace Windu. Yes, I think Mace is an asshole, there I said it. As far Jar Jar, it's hard to believe this, but he is even more annoying in this show than in the Phantom Menace.
Overall, despite its flaws, I still think that it's a great show that should at least be given a try by all Star Wars fans. There was a lot of talent and effort put into the show and it showed because so many people were heartbroken when it was cancelled. Regardless, the show will live on in the grand overall story that is Star Wars and will always have a legacy to look back on and into the future.