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REVIEW: The Star Wars Films

Happy Star Wars day! Well, it was Star Wars day when I wrote this article. Star Wars has such a big impact on society and culture as a whole and personally has made its impact in my life a great franchise with limitless potential. To celebrate the franchise, I am going to give quick reviews for every main film in the franchise. I will not talk about the Clone Wars movie because I will talk about it when I review the Clone Wars series...hint, hint for the future.

Ah, yes, the Phantom Menace. It is regarded as the worst Star Wars film, although others view Attack of the Clones in that light, and it is known as one of the most disappointing films of all-time. Yet, I have said in previous articles that I don't hate the prequel trilogy and don't think they are bad films. However, does the film have problems? Yes, of course. Jar Jar Binks, the introduction of midichlorins, the bland and outdated CGI, the overuse of CGI, and bland acting by many.

However, is there still stuff to enjoy in the film, in my opinion? Yes. The action scenes are great with the highlight of course being the Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Darth Maul fight. The music is incredible and I thought that Qui-Go, Padme, and Anakin were interesting characters. Yes, Jake Lloyd gave a bad performance but at least the character itself was likeable. Subjectively and objectively its my least favorite main film in the franchise but I will still defend it and say that it's not horrible.

Attack of the Clones, the film that in recent years many people have said is the worst film in the franchise. Much like the Phantom Menace, I enjoy the film but it does have major, major flaws. Anakin Skywalker is a terribly written character, with a "questionable" performance. The romance sucks, just sucks in general, literally in every aspect. The plot and the motivations can be questionable at best, and, also, try to find a practical effect in the film. Seriously, have a drinking game with your friends and take a shot when you see a practical effect in the film.

That being said, the action in the film to me is incredible. I love the entire sequence on Geonosis at the end of the film. Also, I liked the other characters in the film minus Anakin and Yoda with a lightsaber. It is stupid and can be argued that it goes against his character? Yes. But is it cool-looking, yes! Overall, objectively and subjectively, it's my second least favorite film, although, much like the Phantom Menace, I don't think it's horrible.

Revenge of the Sith, the only prequel film that is considered good, or at least passable. First, let's talk about what's bad. Again, the romance and the romance dialogue is bad. I thought Christensen was average in the film...I'll explain later. Honestly, I thought Natalie Portman, who is a great actress, gave the worst performance in the film. Also, I thought that some of the motivations and actions of Anakin in the end of the film didn't make sense. For example, why do you choke your pregnant wife when the whole point of you going to the dark side was to try and save her?

Otherwise, that's about it for me. I thought the action was great with Obi-Wan vs Anakin being my favorite duel in the series. I thought the film looked great with much more practical effects used. I also liked the darker tone of the film, which fit the film. I also thought that Christensen was great in the film when he played the role of Vader. The action, tone, and suspense was great overall. While objectively I think the film is fifth best, subjectively, it's my third favorite film. Yes, I like the film that much.

Now, for the original trilogy. First, A New Hope. Now, I will go over what I like first, then what I didn't like. The film is a technical achievement and it said the bar for films for years to come. The story is timeless, the characters are all great, even if, looking back, Han was kind of a dick. The action was great for the time and it has a great sense of scale, tone, mystery, and wonder.

Now, for what I didn't like. GASP! I am going to be honest, the film, I love it, I think it's great, but it can be a bit boring and can drag at points. Also, the Obi-Wan/Vader fight, great for its emotional side, but kind of laughable in its execution. Finally, while people remember Vader from the film, let's be honest, he may have not been as important or have as much screen time as you remember. He's not bad, it's that he didn't really shine until the sequel. Overall, it's a great film that still holds up well that just has some kinks to it. Objectively, it's my fourth favorite, while subjectively, it's my fifth.

Now for the film that many fans consider to be the best in the franchise, the Empire Strikes Back. Honestly, I can see why because objectively I think that it's the best film too. The story, characters, action, and stakes are all expanded upon greater and goes in dark and unpredictable directions. Yes, we all know the infamous plot twist now but I can only imagine what would it have been like to see that reveal for the first time in 1980. Also, the Luke vs Vader duel, amazing.

Now, do I have any faults with the film and what is my subjective view on the film? Well, while Luke is a good character overall, I thought that he was a little whiny at times. Although he is not nearly as bad as Anakin. Also, the Luke and Leia romance, given what we figure out in the next film, yeah, kind of messed up now thinking about it. However, the twins still have more chemistry than Anakin and Padme. Dammit George! As far as subjective views, Empire is my fourth favorite. Yes, you can kill me later.

Now for the one that many view as the worst of the trilogy which is my subjectively favorite film in the franchise, Return of it the Jedi. Yes, it's my favorite. I don't think it's the best, although I do think that it's objectively better than a New Hope and is the third best overall. What do I love about it. I love the action, I love the emotion and drama, I like the characters and the relationship between Luke and Vader. My favorite scene in the whole franchise is when Vader sacrifices himself to save Luke, which of course was ruined in the Blu-Ray. THANKS GEORGE! Anyway, mainly for the updated action and for the emotional moments is why it's my favorite.

However, it's not like I'm blind as to why it's considered the worst of the trilogy. Yes, of course it's mainly due to the Ewoks and the drawn-out Jabba scenes. Did I personally mind them, no, but I can see why it's viewed in that way. Overall, I know that it's a flawed film, but I love it regardless.

Finally, for the Force Awakens. Now, I gave a two-part review of this film so I won't go over what I liked and disliked again. I do think that it's objectively the second-best in the franchise and subjectively it's my second favorite as well. Instead, I will go over what are the major complaints of the film and how I view about them. For many people, the film was a carbon-copy of A New Hope. Yes, it does use a lot of elements of A New Hope and that is a valid complaint that I share. That being said, I think that the film did some things better than A New Hope. The second biggest complaint was that Rey is a badly-written character that is a "Mary-Sue."

I completely disagree. Not only was she my favorite new character from the film but I thought that she was written-well. Yes, does it make sense for her to win against Kylo Ren even if he was badly injured, no. However, there is one thing that "hardcore" Star Wars fans have to realize. You need to tell a good story. It wouldn't be a good story and resolution if Kylo just demolished Rey during the duel.

Speaking of Kylo, he's the third biggest complaint of the film, with many people saying he is too "moody and angsty." I can see if people don't like him, and believe me, you have every right to view that way. However, to me, he is a very interesting and dynamic character and it all honestly the most complex and best Star Wars villain since Vader. Heck, I think Ren had more development and character in his first film than Vader did in A New Hope.

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