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REVIEW: Zyuohger 4

In my last review I predicted that we would be seeing more complex villainy (that is, beyond just blowing up random stuff.) My prediction came true sooner than I thought! This episode opens with multiple attacks on couples and other pairs by a Viking Dethgalien, who captures them in electrified nets. These poor humans are victims of Team Kubar, and are about to engage in Bloodsport.

I love Bloodsport – the 1988 film is by far Jean Claude Van Damme’s finest work. I’m starting to think that Zyuohger could use a cameo by Frank Dux. Upon reading about the Dethgaliens before watching Zyuohger, I was excited that their reasoning to invade Earth was purely to play a bloody game. Hopefully having an actual Bloodsport-style (i.e., martial arts-style fighting to the death in a ring) episode so early in the series won’t lead me to be disappointed later. This episode is my favorite so far because it features mano a mano combat between two of my favorite characters. It also provides a great lesson, revealing some of the background behind Sela’s frustrations and Leo’s overprotectiveness.

But Yamato is scared about something even worse right now: his uncle (dressed as a sheep while speaking in bad sheep puns) has sent the girls out shopping! Oh no, what shenanigans and how many cube-shaped cakes will they buy?!

But Tusk assures him that it’ll be fine: Leo followed after them, so they are not alone. As Tusk explains it, “he has a thing about women.” I couldn’t tell if this is meant in a flirtatious or a misogynistic way. As much of his silliness is targeted toward Sela, I thought he may have a crush on her. But the following scene shows that it is more likely that he finds women in general to be weaker than men and thus in need of his protection. It is sad that Zyuland shares Earth’s concepts or traditional gender roles and the gender binary.

The trio sense trouble, and run to the makeshift battle ring where Amigard and a gang of Moeba are laying out the rules of their game: these loved ones must fight each other to the death, and only the winner can escape. The loser will float through space for eternity. Let me just say this: the first guy was way too easily convinced to attack his friend. That’s going to lead to an awkward conversation between the two of them after all of this is settled.

Master Ginis quite enjoys the perverse nature of this game, and praises Kubar’s creativity as he drinks another glass of wine. Honestly, I’d rather hang out with Ginis than with the guy who just betrayed his friend.

But the bloody festivities are cut short by Leo, Sela, and Amu. The trio transform and ambush the party, freeing the other humans and dispensing of the Moeba. But oh no! In an attempt to protect Amu from the Dethgalien’s net, Leo and Sela are both captured and taken away!

Amu enlists the assistance of Yamato and Tusk. Yamato is unable to find them with his super eyesight, but Tusk…well, he has the ability to smell really well and he doesn’t really like where this is leading…

The next scene cuts to Sela and Leo in an arena. They are trapped in an electrified ring without their Champion’s Symbols and commanded to fight.

Meanwhile, shenanigans are happening at Atelier Mori, where Tusk is given his own life or death option: in order to track down Leo and Sela, he must other whiff Leo’s or Sela’s socks. His dilemma seems to be the most difficult of the episode, the poor guy. Plus it gives Mori a very bad impression of him. But his unfortunate experience with Leo’s sock gives them the lead they need to track down their missing friends.

The following scene is the best in the episode as it gives us some background on Leo and Sela’s relationship. To put it simply, she wants respect, but he doesn’t give it to her. He never treats her as an equal, in or out of the ring.

Leo puts on an act, pretending to fight her hard and claiming that she isn’t trying. She snaps back, saying that his “wimpy punches" aren’t fooling anyone: he is trying to throw the fight. Apparently this isn’t the first time, as back on Zyuland he threw their fight in a martial arts tournament. It really hurt her because she wants to win on her own merit. Leo refuses to acknowledge this, and replies that men are supposed to protect women and that he will not kick her butt (he’s assuming that he’d win, of course.)

I like Leo and Sela for different reasons: Leo is funny, and Sela is straightforward. I also like how every time she looks at Leo, she does so with an “I kind of want to kill you” glare. But like Amu, she is not afraid to express her emotions. She is very open with Leo that his actions hurt her, and that he made her cry after throwing the tournament. (On a related note, her crying as a shark looks really creepy.)

But Leo is dense, and our Monster of the Week is sick of them talking about their feelings. He threatens to disqualify them, and the two decided to take the fight more seriously. At first, Leo dominates her, but Sela does find an opening to end the fight. However, we never learn the result because the other Zyuohgers show up to save them.

This scene helps me understand why Sela gets so frustrated with Leo: when he is serious, he overwhelms her. It’s a frustration and a fear that I share: as a woman, I want to be treated equally, but what if I’m just not good enough to compete on an even playing field? Sela’s coldness may be driven by self-consciousness about her abilities.

The Zyuohgers transform and defeat some Moeba. Sela and Leo take on Amigard and his Viking axe. Leo grabs Amigard’s axe with his claws and then starts beating the Viking out of him, before tossing him into the air and letting Sela have her turn. Sela’s power is certainly in her speed, while Leo’s is in his wild physical strength. The two finish him off together.

ZyuohKing 1-2-3 combines to give Amigard a taste of his own medicine, but he captures Tusk and Amu. The Zyuoh Cubes do look like easy targets, honestly. Cube Giraffe saves them before turning into the Giraffe Bazooka and making Amigard wish that he was only watching the fight, not losing it.

The episode ends with Mori thinking Tusk is a sock fetishist, Sela calling Leo out on almost throwing their fight AGAIN, and Leo running away in fear of her wrath. Sela really wants a rematch, and I hope that this happens in a future episode. Neither seemed to have learned anything from their experience beyond the fact that Sela is still angry and Leo still thinks it is a point of pride to protect a woman. Leo does seem hurt at the end; maybe this is because he likes her (he says he’d rather have her hate him than to lose by his hand) or because she rejects his unwelcomed chivalry.

The final moments of the episode reveal something much bigger, the major plot point of the next episode! It turns out there is another Zyuman on Earth: a gorilla! And somehow his existence results in Yamato gaining gorilla powers! Exclamation points! These continuing developments are why Zyuohger is still keeping my attention, and I am looking forward to any questions that are raised (or answered) in Episode 5.

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