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Review: Star Wars Battlefront (2015)

Well, after ten long years, we finally have another big-budget Star Wars Battlefront game. This game has had a rocky history up to launch and even more rocky opinions after launch. I feel you will either love this game or hate it. Or, maybe you will be like me who is a mixture of both.


Ok, let's get this out of the way first. This game looks stunning. That is one thing everybody can agree on. The level of detail that went into recreating the different worlds of the Star Wars universe is amazing. You feel like you are in a galaxy far, far away. The sound effects are also incredible as well. From TIE Fighters and X-Wings to AT-ATs to the basic blaster fire, this game is a treat for your ears. Also, big shocker, the music in the game is great too.

Now, how is the voice acting? Boba Fett and the Emperor are good and the stand-ins for Luke, Han, and Leia are fine. However, I don't know what the hell happened but Vader sounds horrible. It is really bad and noticeable. Overall, disgregarding Vader, the game is a visual and technical masterpiece.


Now, for the most important thing...the gameplay. To me, it's good, but not great. It does not play like the other Battlefront games but it doesn't feel like Battlefield with a Star Wars skin either. The basic gunplay is solid enough. However, this game has Call of Duty mechanics and feel in that those players who are higher levels with more unlocks will have a massive advantage over the other players. There is also a problem where you can get easily spawn-killed or shot from across the map over which you have basically no control. In other words, the game can be frustrating very easily.

That being said, there is still fun to be had. I like the idea of creating your own customizable loadout to fit your play style. I also don't really have any complaints about the maps either, except for the spawns. The game also does have that one-more-match mentality. Finally, even though there are considerably less heroes than in Battlefront 2, they are still fun to play and use, especially when fighting against each other.


With the free DLC, Battle of Jakku, there are ten modes to play. Blast is the basic, although still fun, team deathmatch. Cargo is capture-the-flag. Droid Run is where you go around and try and capture three moving droids to win. I didn't particuarly care for that mode. Nor did I care for Fighter Squadron, the mode where you dogfight on the different planets. I thought flying the ships were too clunky and got somewhat boring after a short-while. Honestly, controlling the ships in the previous Battlefront games were easier. Drop Zone is fun where you have to capture various drop pods on the battlefield. Hero Hunt on the other hand is a good concept, but kinda missed the mark. You have to go around and try to hunt a hero where the hero tries to score points. However, the only way to become the hero is to land the last blow. So, you could go ham and fight the hero but somebody can get the last cheap shot and all your work would be for nothing.

Heroes vs Villians though, is my favorite mode by far. It is exactly what you think it is and it rocks. Walker assault and supremacy are also fun modes as well. Walker assault all about either destroying or protecting two AT-ATs and it is fun. Supremacy is the most similiar mode to the old play-styles of the old games with trying the capture control points. Turning point is really unbalanced. It is the rebels trying the capture points and Imperials trying to defend them. However, the rebels have to capture every one to win so all the Imperials have to do is just hold the last one and they win every time.

Value and Overall

Now, let me just say this, the game is not worth $60. At most, it's worth $40. There is basically no single-player with just a few small training missions and a survival mode. The survival mode is fun but not something you will play for long. Also, the multiplayer, while fun, does not have a lot of unlocks and unique ideas to make players stay invested forever. Also, yes, there are the stuff that was in previous battlefront games that aren't in this game but I already talked about that before. Finally, there is also the looming $50 season pass which is insulting to me.

Overall, I do like the game, I just don't love it. It has potential going forward into the sequel. However, it is a poor value for $60 and some of the mechanics and modes are flawed. However, a lot of the modes and gameplay is fun and the game is a techincal marvel. So, basically, I say try the game out and see for yourself.

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