Star Wars Rebels: New Season 2 Trailer

Ok, I did not expect this. This is probably the best TV trailer that any Star Wars show has ever done. There is so much to talk about in so little time. This show is going to be darker, expansive, and bringing out the big guns.

New Rebel Allies and Expansion
A focus during the early part of the trailer is seeing some of the new allies that will help the Ghost crew. During the midseason premiere in particular, a young Princess Leia will make an appearance. They will also be joined by Ryloth freedom fighter and Hera's father, Cham Syndulla. Yeah, that is going to be a big revelation for Hera.
There will also be at least an episode dedicated to Zeb, which is greatly appreciated. It also appears that he will have a rematch fight with Agent Kallus. There is also going to be more a focus on Mandalorians as well, exploring Sabine's backstory even more.

However, the major focus of this trailer and the second half of the season will be on the force and Ezra, Kanan, and Ahsoka's journey. There will also be a focus on the dark side as well. Let's talk about each in some detail. First, the light side. From what I gathered from the trailer, there is a new cult that worships the force and the light side, which is intriguing.
However, what is more interesting is that more Jedi survived Order 66, like, a lot more. Kanan finds an old Jedi temple which houses old members of the Jedi Temple Guard. There is even a glimpse of of the Guards fighting the Seventh Sister and the Fifth Brother. It will be interesting to see what will happen to them this season and in all honesty, how many of them are going to die?

Another big focus will be on Ezra as he struggles with not only with learning with the force, but also what side he will be on. He is seen talking to Yoda during the trailer as well as learning about Anakin Skywalker from Ahsoka. However, Kanan, Ahsoka, and Ezra are seen going to what appears to be an old Sith Temple and in one point in the trailer Ezra seems to be holding a Sith Holocron and bowing to an old Dark side user. What will happen to Ezra this season and where will be allign himself? I honestly have no idea. Yes, he also makes a crossguard lightsaber.

But yeah, let's talk about the dark side. As I mentioned before, Ezra appears to be bowing to a dark side user, which I believe (based on the image above) is Darth Maul. Yes, DARTH MAUL! I did not expect that coming at all but it would be amazing if it is true. It would be an interesting dynamic and could lead to a great tug of war battle for Ezra's loyalty. Plus, Vader vs. Maul could happen!
The two Inquisitors are seen fighting the Jedi a lot in the trailer which is awesome. Ezra seems to be getting better at lightsaber dueling which is good because there is going to be a new masked Inquisitor. There is going to be a three-on-three fight. Will this Inquisitor be Barriss Offee this time?

Finally, Ahsoka and Vader will have a big focus as well. Vader is seen fighting Ezra and lowering bad-ass like on top of his own fighter. Vader is trying to find Ahsoka while Ahsoka is still trying to cope with the fact that her former master turned to the dark side. This will affect Ahsoka greatly emotionally. Of course, the trailer wisely ends with a glimpse of what we have all been looking forward to, Vader vs Ahsoka! It is finally confirmed and I can't wait. Although, I imagine it will take place during the season finale.

So overall, I cannot wait. These upcoming stretch of episodes are going to be awesome. If I have to nitpick, I don't care for the character models of Yoda and Anakin and Darth Vader's only line in the trailer sounded off, although I'm sure it will sound better live. Yeah, this show is really coming into its own now and I can't wait to see where it goes.