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REVIEW: Star Wars the Force Awakens Part 1 (No Spoilers!)

Well, it's finally here. The most anticipated film of the year, the Force Awakens. I can't believe I saw this movie because I remember when they first announced the film back in 2012. This review will be separated into two parts. In this part I will talk about what I thought of the film overall without giving away any spoilers. The second part will cover what I thought of the major spoilers, and there is a lot. If you want a tiny recap, this film, while it does have its faults, is incredible and a great return for the franchise.


Overall, the story in this film is really well-done and well-told. You definately get the od-school vibe of the original trilogy in this film. It's hard going over the plot without giving away spoilers but you will definately feel satisified leaving the theater. However, one complaint that is going around the internet right now is that the film is very similar to A New Hope. This is very true. Without giving them away there are a lot of situations, characters, and moments that are very inspired or almost direct callbacks to the first film. Is it a major problem to me: no. Can I see if that turns some people off: yes. Is it still a flaw in some way: yes. However, I'd rather they emulate A New Hope over the Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. (Even though I do like the Prequel trilogy.) [EDITOR'S NOTE: So do I]

However, the story is still very soid as Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan wrote a great screenplay. I just wish they took more freedoms and liberties in some instances.


Let's talk about the heroes, both new and old. First the old. Chewbacca is really solid in the film and provides some laughs and even some emotion in the film as well. Leia is also great in the film as a supporting character. She is a general but she still has her kindness and authority that she had from the orginal films. C-3P0 and R2 fill their roles out fine. Luke is in the film. That is all I will say. However, this is Han's time to shine. He is a major character in this movie and Harrison Ford did a fantastic job in the role. He did take the role seriously and you feel like you are watching Han again after all these years. He is charming, funny, sarcastic, bad-ass, he is freaking Han Solo.

Now, the new, they are fantastic. Every actor did an amazing job in their roles. John Boyega is great as Finn. His character is flawed as he once was a part of the First Order, but it is still likeable and he does have moments to shine. Daisy Ridley stole the show in my mind as Rey. Not only was her character interesting, but she was stellar in her acting in his first major film. She can be the next Jennifer Lawrence. Oscar Isaac was good as Poe Dameron and Lupita Nyong'o was good as Maz Kanata. BB-8 was freaking adorable in this movie. He was a major highlight. If someone doesn't like him after this movie, they are wrong.


Now, the villians. First, the main antagonist, Kylo Ren. I can't say much in this part but they go in a direction with his character that I wasn't expecting, but in a good way. I'll say here that he is very complex, has a major internal and external conflict going, and does have moments to shine in the movie. Adam Driver did a really good job in the film as well. He is probably the most developed and complicated villain since, well, Vader. Palpatine is awesome but let's be real, there isn't much complexity to him.

Supreme Leader Snoke is in the film more than I thought he would be and he is, ok. He has a presence like Palpatine although in this film he serves as much purpose as Thanos from Guardians of the Galaxy. Andy Serkis is good with the voice though. General Hux is good I suppose although he comes across as a wannabe Grand Moff Tarkin. Finally, Captain Phasma: she is in the film, that is all I will say.

Action and Technical Parts

This is a beautiful film. Abrams knows how to make his films look and sound good. There is a lot of practical effects in the film and they all look great. They are a welcome return and they compliment the tone and settings of the film well. The CGI, 95% of the time looks great when it is used. What is the 5%? Snoke. He has a cool design but the CGI looks kinda bad in all honesty. There are also some monsters in the second act of the film that could have looked better. However, Maz Kanata, another motion capture character, looks great to me. The music is also great, big shocker. However, there isn't a huge stand out track like Duel of the Fates.

The action in the film is really well-done. They are modern in terms of scale and intensity but still feel in tone with the original trilogy with an exception for the lightsaber duel. It is a good duel but it is the most "realistic" out of all of them. It is gritty, intense, it looks the least-choreographed, but in a good way. There is also a lot of high stakes for the action in the film as well.


I honestly do not have many major complaints with the film although I admit it does have some faults. However, did it detract from my experience and my enjoyment: hell no! This film is still really solid and it sets the seeds and plot points for the rest of the trilogy. Is it worth the hype and all of these years of waiting? In my eyes, yes. Now all I have to do is wait for Episode VIII.

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